
Installation Requirements and Steps

Install SCIP

  • Download scipoptsuite-5.0.1 binaries for Linux, i.e., scipoptsuite-5.0.1.tgz
    • Go to /path/to/scipoptsuite-5.0.1.tgz
    • tar -xvf scipoptsuite-5.0.1.tgz
  • Compile scipoptsuite-5.0.1
    • cd scipoptsuite-5.0.1
    • mkdir build
    • cd build
    • cmake ..
    • make
    • make check
  • Install scipoptsuite-5.0.1
    • Go to /path/to/scipoptsuite-5.0.1.tgz
    • mkdir local
    • From within build directory, Install SCIP. For example, make install DESTDIR=/path/to/local
  • Add PATH to SCIP
    • export SCIPOPTDIR="/path/to/local/usr/local":$SCIPOPTDIR
    • Add <export SCIPOPTDIR="/path/to/local/usr/local":$SCIPOPTDIR> to .bashrc file
  • run SCIP Standalone
    • To run SCIP standalone after compilation, enter /path/to/local/usr/local/bin/scip

Install Julia

  • Download and install Julia Version 1.1.0. See for example: (
  • To use Julia, enter ~/julia-1.1.0/bin/julia
  • To add packages, use import Pkg and Pkg.add("package_name")
  • To set the number of threads on the operating system level before julia starts, edit the bashrc file to add the following environment variable: export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=10:$JULIA_NUM_THREADS. The number of threads can be modified.
  • Make sure the number of threads used by optimizer is less than the number of threads available to Julia.

Add SCIP, OOESAlgorithm and other required packages in Julia

  • To use SCIP in Julia, use the following steps:
    • Add PATH to SCIP installation
    • export SCIPOPTDIR="/path/to/local":$SCIPOPTDIR
    • Add <export SCIPOPTDIR="/path/to/local":$SCIPOPTDIR> to .bashrc file
    • run Julia to enter Julia REPL
    • import Pkg
    • To enter the pkg mode (Pkg REPL) enter: ]
    • add SCIP@v0.6.1
    • pin SCIP #this will pin the SCIP.jl version to 0.6.1 so it is compatible with SCIP installation
    • build SCIP
    • using SCIP
    • The file /.julia/packages/SCIP/.../src/mpb_interface.jl of the package SCIP.jl v0.6.1 has to be modified manually. In lines 185, 186, 192, 193, 207 and 208, numvar(m) has to be changed by MathProgBase.numvar(m).
  • To use CPLEX in Julia, use the following steps:
  • To check the version of SCIP installed in Julia, run Pkg.installed()
  • Find more details on (
  • To use OOESAlgorithm in Julia, use the following steps:
  • To use multiple threads for CPLEX or SCIP solvers while solving MIP in OOES algorithm, use the following steps:
    • The file /.julia/packages/OOESAlgorithm/faYKc/src/initial_operations.jl has to be modified manually. For SCIP, modify the line 89 to mip_solver=SCIPSolver("display/verblevel", 3, "parallel/minnthreads", 4, "parallel/maxnthreads", 8, "limits/gap", relative_gap, "limits/time", 6000.0). For CPLEX, modify the line 87 to mip_solver=CplexSolver(CPX_PARAM_SCRIND=0, CPX_PARAM_THREADS=8, CPX_PARAM_EPGAP=relative_gap).
  • Other required Julia packages and their corresponding versions are SCIP (0.6.1), JuMP (0.20.1), CSV (v0.5.23), DataFrames (v0.20.0), MathOptFormat (v0.2.2).

Steps to create .lp Files

  • In the first step, data file Input_File.txt is converted into a .lp file model.lp.

Requirements/File Structure

  • The directory optimizer must contain the following files:
    • Input_File.txt : input data file in designated format
    • LPCreator.jl: Julia code for creating Model.lp file given a data input file
    • optimizer.jl: Julia code for running optimizer and writing output
    • Model.lp : The output file in .lp format which contains the optimization model

Execute the Optimizer Script

  • Given a data file Input_File.txt, run the following standalone script line by line in command line inside the directory optimizer:
    • path/to/julia -p8 LPCreator.jl For example: /home/zulqarnain/workspace/WWTP/julia-1.0.5/bin/julia -p8 LPCreator.jl where -p8 represents the number of threads/processes Julia can use.
    • path/to/julia -p8 optimizer.jl For example: /home/zulqarnain/workspace/WWTP/julia-1.0.5/bin/julia -p8 optimizer.jl where -p8 represents the number of threads/processes Julia can use.
    • LPCreator.jl gives Model.lp as its output. The program also gives optimizer_output_file1.txt as output. The file is in turn modified by optimizer.jl
  • Else, create a script file, for instance, and copy and paste above lines of code inside the file. Then, run the following commands from inside the directory optimzier
    • chmod +x
    • ls -l
    • ./

Modifying the Arguments