
Enterprise PKI containing X.509 Certification Authority and OCSP responder

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


eXtensible sImple Public Key Infrastructure consists of CA and OCSP responder.

  • CA (Certification Authority)

    • X.509 Certificate v3 (RFC5280)
    • X.509 CRL v2 (RFC5280)
    • SCEP (draft-gutmann-scep-00, draft-nourse-scep-23)
    • Supported databases
      • Oracle
      • DB2
      • PostgreSQL
      • MySQL
      • H2
      • HSQLDB
    • Direct and indirect CRL
    • FullCRL and DeltaCRL
    • Customized extension to embed certificates in CRL
    • CMP (RFC 4210 and RFC 4211)
    • API to specify customized certificate profiles
    • Embedded support of XML-based certificate profile
    • API to specify customized publisher, e.g. for LDAP and OCSP responder
    • Embedded support of publisher for OCSP responder
    • Signature algorithms of certificates
      • SHA1withRSA
      • SHA224withRSA
      • SHA256withRSA
      • SHA384withRSA
      • SHA512withRSA
      • SHA1withRSAandMGF1
      • SHA224withRSAandMGF1
      • SHA256withRSAandMGF1
      • SHA384withRSAandMGF1
      • SHA512withRSAandMGF1
      • SHA1withECDSA
      • SHA224withECDSA
      • SHA256withECDSA
      • SHA384withECDSA
      • SHA512withECDSA
      • SHA1withPlainECDSA
      • SHA224withPlainECDSA
      • SHA256withPlainECDSA
      • SHA384withPlainECDSA
      • SHA512withPlainECDSA
      • SHA1withDSA
      • SHA224withDSA
      • SHA256withDSA
      • SHA384withDSA
      • SHA512withDSA
  • Native support of X.509 extensions

    • AuthorityKeyIdentifier
    • SubjectKeyIdentifier
    • KeyUsage
    • CertificatePolicies
    • PolicyMappings
    • SubjectAltName
    • IssuerAltName
    • BasicConstraints
    • NameConstraints
    • PolicyConstrains
    • ExtendedKeyUsage
    • CRLDistributionPoints
    • InhibitAnyPolicy
    • FreshestCRL
    • AuthorityInformationAccess
    • SubjectInfoAccess
    • Admission
    • OcspNoCheck
    • Restriction
    • AdditionalInformation
    • ValidityModel
    • PrivateKeyUsagePeriod
    • QCStatements
    • BiometricInfo
  • Support of both random and sequential certificate serial number assignment

  • Management of multiple CAs in one software instance

  • Multiple software instances (all can be in active mode) for the same CA

  • Embedded support of management of CA via embedded OSGi commands

  • API to specify CA management, e.g. GUI

  • Embedded database tool (export and import CA database) simplifies the switch of databases, upgrade of XiPKi and switch from other CA system to XiPKI CA

  • Embedded client to enroll, revoke, unrevoke and remove certificates, to generate and download CRLs

  • All configuration of CA except those of databases is saved in database

  • OCSP Responder

    • OCSP Responder (RFC 2560 and RFC 6960)
    • Support of Common PKI 2.0
    • Management of multiple certificate status sources
    • Embedded support of certificate status source published by XiPKI CA
    • Embedded support of certificate status source CRL and DeltaCRL
    • Support of both unsigned and signed OCSP requests
    • Multiple software instances (all can be in active mode) for the same OCSP signer and certifcate status sources.
    • Supported databases
      • Oracle
      • DB2
      • PostgreSQL
      • MySQL
      • H2
      • HSQLDB
    • Embedded database tool (export and import OCSP database) simplifies the switch of databases, upgrade of XiPKi and switch from other OCSP system to XiPKI OCSP.
    • Embedded client to send OCSP request
  • Key Tool (for both PKCS#12 and PKCS#11 tokens)

    • Generation of keypairs and self-signed certificates of RSA, EC and DSA in token
    • Deletation of keypairs and certificates from token
    • Update of certificates in token
    • Generation of PKCS#10 request
    • Export of certificate from token
  • For both CA and OCSP Responder

    • Support of PKCS#12 and JKS keystore
    • Support of PKCS#11 devices, e.g. HSM
    • API to use customized key types, e.g. smartcard
    • High performance
    • OSGi-based (java), OS independent
    • Support of health check
    • Audit with syslog and slf4j
  • For CA, OCSP Responder and Key Tool

    • API to resolve password
    • Embedded support of PBE (password based encryption) password resolver
      • All passwords can be encrypted by the master password
    • Embedded support of OBF (as in jetty) password resolver




  • XiPKI Commercial License


Dr. Lijun Liao (lijun.liao -A-T- gmail -D-O-T- com)


Tested Platforms

  • Database

  • DB2

  • Oracle

  • Oracle RAC

  • PostgreSQL

  • MySQL

  • H2


  • HSM

  • Thales nCipher Solo (PCI Card)

  • Thales nCipher Connect (network)

  • JVM

  • OpenJDK JRE/JDK 7 and 8

  • Oracle JRE/JDK 7 and 8

  • IBM J9 JRE/JDK 7 and 8

  • OS

  • CentOS

  • Fedora

  • Redhat

  • SLES

  • Ubuntu

  • Windows

  • Mac OS

  • Raspbian (tested on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B)

Build and Assembly from Source Code

  • Get a copy of XiPKI code

    git clone git://github.com/xipki/xipki xipki
  • Prepare

    • Install the third party artifacts that are not availablle in maven repositories

      In folder xipki/ext

  • Build

    • Compile and install the artifacts

      In folder xipki

      mvn clean install
    • Assembly

      In folder xipki/dist

      mvn clean install

Download the Released Binary Package

Download the released binary package xipki-pki-<version>.tar.gz from the URL https://github.com/xipki/xipki/releases


  • Copy the file xipki-pki-<version>.tar.gz to the destination folder

  • Unpack the assembled file

    In destination folder of the installation

    tar xvf xipki-pki-<version>.tar.gz

    The following steps use $XIPKI_HOME to point to the unpacked folder

  • Adapt the database configuration (access rights read and write of database are required)


Run Demo

  • Delete folders $XIPKI_HOME/data and $XIPKI_HOME/output

  • Start XiPKI

    In folder $XIPKI_HOME


    HSM devices of Thales, e.g. nCipher, uses Thales preload to manage the PKCS#11 session. In this case, XiPKI should be started as follows

    preload bin/karaf

    If you have changed the content within folder $XIPKI_HOME/etc or $XIPKI_HOME/system, please delete the folder $XIPKI_HOME/data before starting XiPKI.

  • Run the pre-configured OSGi-commands in OSGi console

In the OSGi console, call source <OSGi batch script file>, the demo script files are in folder xipki/demo and can be retrieved from the following table. The generated keys, certificates and CRLs are saved in folder output.

Signature Algorithm \ Key container PKCS#12 PKCS#11 (HSM simulator)
RSA PKCS#1v1.5 p12-rsa-demo.script hsm-rsa-demo.script
RSA PSS p12-rsapss-demo.script hsm-rsapss-demo.script
DSA p12-dsa-demo.script hsm-dsa-demo.script
ECDSA p12-ec-demo.script hsm-ec-demo.script
PlainECDSA (BSI) p12-plainec-demo.script hsm-plainec-demo.script