This is from originally
** PoWork v0.1 **
PoWork provides a solution-verification based proof of work system that uses a probabilistic iteration method, similar to the ever-popular Hashcash. The library seeks to provide an abstracted interface to users seeking to use proof of work systems.
Full documentation can be found on GoDoc.
You can import it with
import ""
To create a proof-of-work:
worker := powork.NewWorker()
messageToProve := "I'll prove I did some work with this very message!"
// proof will contain both the message and the proof of work
proof, _ := worker.DoProofForString(messageToProve)
To verify that proof-of-work:
ok, _ := worker.ValidatePoWork(proof)
if ok {
fmt.Printf("The proven message is: %v\n", proof.GetMessageString())
To change the proof difficulty (default: 10):
// the default is 10. Increases are exponential!
// do a harder proof
proof, _ = worker.DoProofForString(messageToProve)
To use a different hash function (default: SHA512):
// use the MD5 hash function (for example)
// the default is SHA512
// you'll need to import MD5 with: import "crypto/md5"
// do a proof with the MD5 hash function
proof, _ = worker.DoProofForString(messageToProve)
To change the default timeout (default: 5 seconds)
// set a new timeout value of 10 seconds (in milliseconds)
// now the worker will try for 10 seconds instead of 5
proof, _ = worker.DoProofForString(messageToProve)
You can also use PoWork asynchronously by having PoWork return a channel:
worker := NewWorker()
messageToProve := []byte("This time with channels!")
// returns a channel that will eventually get the proof
recvr := worker.PrepareProof(messageToProve)
// prepare your message here
fmt.Printf("Preparing message...\n")
// wait on the result
res := <- recvr
if res.error != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error: %v\n", res.error)
proof := res.PoWork
// this variable will contain the same thing as the
// proof variables from the other examples
You can also have PoWork send multiple proofs to the same channel:
worker := powork.NewWorker()
messageToProve := []byte("Will send a proof of this message to a channel")
c := powork.GetChannel(20)
worker.SendProofToChannel(messageToProve, c)
// do message preparation business here
res := <- c
if res.error != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error occurred during proof generation: %v\n", res.error)
ok, _ := worker.ValidatePoWork(res.PoWork)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Could not validate message\n")