A personal desktop app for secondary monitor.
Contains the following features:
- Wallpaper.
- Files / folders from Desktop and Downloads folders (supports creating, moving and deleting files).
- Notifications (supports windows notifications - no activation / buttons though).
- Notes (supports notifications, and can be hidden).
- Time, date and weather widgets.
- System info widget:
- Wireless bluetooth device battery (uses Bluetooth battery monitor api).
- Cpu usage.
- Cpu temperature.
- Ram usage / available.
- Dimmer (dims screen when not active).
- Idle mode, displays widgets, rearranged, in larger font, meant for when AFK.
- Fix for white line at bottom of primary screen, when on Win11, and taskbar autohide is enabled.
App icon:
Desktop icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
LibreHardwareMonitor / Open hardware Monitor