Persistent cache library for Dart(Flutter for iOS and Android).
With Flutter:
flutter pub add plain_cache
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):
plain_cache: ^1.0.3
Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
Enable plain cache
import 'package:plain_cache/plain_cache.dart';
void main() {
// Enable Plain Cache
simple usage example:
Save to persistent cache / 保存数据到持久性缓存
storage.setValue('newValue', forKey: 'MyKey');
Read from persistent cache / 从持久性缓存中读取数据
final boolValue = storage.getBool(forKey: 'MyKey');
final doubleValue = storage.getDouble(forKey: 'MyKey');
final intValue = storage.getInt(forKey: 'MyKey');
final listValue = storage.getList(forKey: 'MyKey');
final mapValue = storage.getMap(forKey: 'MyKey');
final stringValue = storage.getString(forKey: 'MyKey');
Remove from persistent cache / 从持久性缓存中删除数据
storage.remove(forKey: 'MyKey');
License / 许可证
plain_cache is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
plain_cache 是在 MIT 许可下发布的,有关详情请查看该许可证。