Beagle Backend Typescript

Welcome to the Beagle Backend TS! This project implements a backend for Beagle in Typescript. To run the backend you'll need NodeJS. Although not tested, this should also work for any backend technology for Javascript (but without the facilities provided by the express-client sub-project).

This repository is a mono-repo with 4 projects:

  • core: the core implementation for the Beagle backend, this should work with anything that runs JS.
  • components: the default components of the Beagle library. If you don't use any of these components, there's no need to use this module.
  • express: a more user-friendly interface of the core lib, it brings a lot of benefits that makes the lib easier to use and safer (better typing). The drawback is that it only works with node-express servers.

This documentation will assume you have all three modules installed in your node application. For more information on how to use the Beagle Backend TS without Express, check this topic.


The documentation for this lib is in our wiki.