
A font type won´t be applied to a Text in Beagle on Android 7.

Closed this issue · 3 comments


A font type won't be applied to a textView created through Beagle on Android 7 (API 24) when loaded from res/font

  • the default types from Android works ok, as the type "cursive", but imported types won't be applied for Android 7.
  • The imported fonts work on the current APIs above 26.

Steps To Reproduce

You can use the Beagle sample to test this.

  1. Create an emulator for Android 7 (API 24)
  2. Copy any font style to res/font
  3. Open the styles.xml file located on res/values/ folder and change the DesignSystem.Text.helloWord style to the following
<style name="DesignSystem.Text.helloWord" parent="DesignSystem.Text.Default">
        <item name="android:textSize">25sp</item>
        <item name="android:textColor">@android:color/darker_gray</item>
        <item name="android:textStyle">bold</item>
        <item name="android:fontFamily">@font/yourfontstyle</item>
  1. Run the Beagle Sample application
  2. Click on the upper right menu, and select SAMPLE BFF
  3. Select text and the text result style won't be displayed as on the image below:

Expected Results

The image below shows the expected result

  • This result is accomplished on Android 8 and above versions


Code example, screenshot, or link to a repository:

  • You can use the Beagle Sample to test this.

@victorbitencourtzup from the ITI team has reported this Bug issue and will be following this as well

I found a solution. I'm setting up the appium tests here to check it out and will open a PR to correct it as soon as I confirm the tests.