Data and code accompanying the paper "As Little as Possible, as Much as Necessary: Detecting Over- and Undertranslations with Contrastive Conditioning" (ACL 2022)
- chenshenghao
- Chinenana
- ElbriaUMD
- gcuderSyndena
- GreenParachuteTechnological University Dublin
- gsartiUniversity of Groningen
- jiezhangGtMaryland
- KelleyYinAntGroup
- oplatekhttps://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/
- Oscarjia
- powerpuffpomelo
- pszemrajAtlanta, GA
- qy826687054
- ruizheliUOAUniversity of Aberdeen
- ryuta-messi
- shuyhereKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology,Univercity of Macau,UfishAI
- sweta20
- trotacodigosKakao Enterprise
- x1irisUnivercity of Macau
- zanchangtongChina University of Petroleum, East China