
Code for project 6 of the Front-End Developer path

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Fisheye Web App



To setup the project locally, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Git
  • NodeJS (Version ^17, prefer installation using NVM)
  • yarn (Version ^1.22 recommended, install with npm i -g yarn)

Once everything is installed, you can clone the project locally with the following command:

git clone git@github.com:Zuruuh/fisheye
cd fisheye

Then, install all the npm dependencies with yarn install.


To run the project locally, use the npm script dev with yarn run dev, and the project will be served locally at http://localhost:5173. You will benefit from ViteJS Hot Module Replacement which will update all your code directly in your browser when you edit it.


To build the project for production, simply run yarn run build and you will get your prod-ready project in the ./dist folder.


This project has multiple tools setup by default, let's take a look at all of them 🚀

  • Typescript
    • Allows to use a typing system during dev time before transpiling to javascript.
  • Sass
    • Adds multiple features to css that will be transformed into css during build-time.
      Example features: Nesting, Functions, Mixins, Variables, Inheritance
  • Linters, Formatters, Static-Code Analyzers
  • ViteJS
    • Very popular module bundler which is known for its speed and fast-growing community.
      It utilizes Hot Module Replacement to update your code directly in your browser without loosing its state and extremely fast.
  • PostCSS
    • Tool used to apply modifications on css during build time, has a very large plugin ecosystem that can help a lot with common issues.
    • Autoprefixer
      • Makes sure our css will support as much browsers as possible by adding custom vendor prefixes to css declarations that might behave differently depending on the browser interpreting it.
  • GitHub Pages
    • Free web hosting offered by GitHub with easy configuration and access directly from a GitHub repository's settings
  • GitHub Actions
    • Continuous Integration
      • Since this project utilizes a lot ot linters, formatters, static-code analyzers, etc... Making sure they are correctly used is vital!
        All linters are run whenever someone pushes on a branch, and they need to all pass in order to be able to merge a pull request.
    • Continuous Deployment (w/ GitHub Pages)
      • This project uses GitHub Actions to re-deploy whenever someone updates the main branch.
        (All assets are built with beforehand using ViteJS)

Additional notes

This project was scaffolded using @zuruuh/create-vite, a self-made starter project using ViteJS and it's ecosystem and create-create-app.