
Convert edits.xml from maps.me to a JOSM-compatible file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Converting edits.xml

So you have spent a day or more editing data in the wonderful MAPS.ME application, but don't see your changes on the map? Most likely there were some errors uploading. Try opening and closing the app, and then waiting for a minute. If that doesn't help, click a searching icon (usually a magnifier) and type ?edits with no spaces or quotes. You will see a list of your edits. Scroll it down to see if there are any non-uploaded edits. If there are, you may need this script.

Use a file manager to locate /MapsWithMe/edits.xml file. Share it to your email or messaging app, so you can access the file at your computer. Then run this script:

./edits_to_josm.py /path/to/edits.xml josm_edits.xml

Then open the result (josm_edits.xml) in JOSM as a new layer. DO NOT UPLOAD THE FILE! Use it to find non-uploaded objects and to compare tags with the objects currently in OpenStreetMap.

Author and License

Written by Ilya Zverev, published under a MIT license.