
Android application for GitHub. The application uses Github Developer API to fetch all the relevant user information (The API requires CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET for OAuth as explained here).

The following features are available:

  • Allows OAuth application login.
  • List of all public and private owned/forked Repositories of the user.
  • Provides details of each Repository
    • Branches
    • Commits
    • Files/Directories
  • Issues assigned, created or closed by the user in the user-owned repositories.
  • Gists created by the user.
  • Search interface to fetch details about other users.
  • Provides Private feeds to keep a track of activities of the Following users.
  • Following/Unfollowing a user.

The following features are yet to be implemented/integrated:

  • Allowing Users to star/watch/fork a repository.
  • Allowing Users to edit files in the application.
  • Allowing Users to create/close issues.
  • Allowing users to create comments on issues.

Will update this list.


This is the landing page if the user is not logged in.

Login Screen

This is the landing page if the user is already logged in.


For more screeenshots visit here.


Contributions are welcome and highly appreciated. The CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET obtained from Github have to be entered in the file;