
A simple usecase of floating window to help you focus.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


NeoZoom.lua aims to help you focus and maybe protect your left-rotated neck.



How it works

The idea is simple: toggle your current window into a floating one, so you can:

  1. keep you window layout intact and just focus on the current one.
  2. keep your neck intact, since you can always pass an {opt} on every call of neo_zoom().

Btw, this is a bullet-proof project, which has experienced three iterations (:tada:), you can find my original idea on branch neo-zoom-original(no bug on that anymore).


  • Only one function neo_zoom({opt}), where {opt} is optional.
    • it will always pick what you have passed to setup if you omit {opt}, and command NeoZoomToggle is created for this.
    • You can always get a variation by passing the {opt} on every call to customize the top/left/height/width/etc options.
  • Some APIs to help you do customization:
    • M.did_zoom(tabpage=0) by passing a number tabpage, you can check for whether there is zoom-in window on the given tabpage.

keymap.set Example

note: if you're using lazy.nvim then simply replace requires with dependencies.

use {
  config = function ()
    require('neo-zoom').setup {
      -- top_ratio = 0,
      -- left_ratio = 0.225,
      -- width_ratio = 0.775,
      -- height_ratio = 0.925,
      -- border = 'double',
      -- disable_by_cursor = true, -- zoom-out/unfocus when you click anywhere else.
      -- exclude_filetypes = { 'lspinfo', 'mason', 'lazy', 'fzf', 'qf' },
      exclude_buftypes = { 'terminal' },
      presets = {
          filetypes = { 'dapui_.*', 'dap-repl' },
          config = {
            top_ratio = 0.25,
            left_ratio = 0.6,
            width_ratio = 0.4,
            height_ratio = 0.65,
          callbacks = {
            function () vim.wo.wrap = true end,
      -- popup = {
      --   -- NOTE: Add popup-effect (replace the window on-zoom with a `[No Name]`).
      --   -- This way you won't see two windows of the same buffer
      --   -- got updated at the same time.
      --   enabled = true,
      --   exclude_filetypes = {},
      --   exclude_buftypes = {},
      -- },
    vim.keymap.set('n', '<CR>', function () vim.cmd('NeoZoomToggle') end, { silent = true, nowait = true })