Issue Description

There are multiple issues here that I can't work out:

  • The Blazor app that is being shown here has issues only when run inside a nix docker container.
  • I can't work out how to make it so that .NET can create/access a .aspnet folder for its Data Protection Key management.


To the first issue, Blazor doesn't resolve symbolic links in wwwroot and just sends them as is.
Solution: Set the working dir to the nix store path's /lib folder for the app.
This is demonstrated in solved.nix.

To the second issue, Blazor has weird error messages when a /tmp folder doesn't exist. Solution: Just create a /tmp directory. It works fine then.

Steps to Demonstrate/Reproduce

First clone this repo:

git clone

Then build default.nix or Dockerfile.broken and run the docker container

docker build -t blazortest -f Dockerfile.broken . && docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 blazortest:latest


$(nix-build) | docker load && docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 blazortest:latest

Then go to http://localhost.
You will notice that the CSS has not loaded correctly.

Expected Result

You can either build and run the Dockerfile or you can build and run project.nix


nix-build project.nix
cd result/lib

Then go to http://localhost:80 and notice how it looks correct


docker build -t blazortest -f Dockerfile.working . && docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 blazortest:latest

Then go to http://localhost:8080 and notice how the website looks correct