
Package with extensions for Developers on Python(+Django), Ruby(+RoR) and PHP.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Package for control apache/nginx virtual hosts, mysql/ftp
users, bind zones, apache clients certificates on
developer/production web-hosts. Tested on
Ubuntu/Debian Linux.
Published under GNU GPL v.2.


Apache Host Control:
$ sudo -i
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
# apt-get install -y python-pip python-mysqldb python-flup git-core make python-pycurl
# cd /usr/src/ && git clone https://github.com/gotlium/ahc.git
# cd ahc/ && pip install -r requirements.txt && make install
# cd && ahc -m install -s lamp && ahc -m install -s firewall


Apache hosts:
# ahc -m install -s apache2_ssl
# ahc -m test -s apache
# ahc -m apache -t php -a example.com

Nginx hosts:
# ahc -m install -s nginx_ssl
# ahc -m test -s nginx
# ahc -m nginx -t php -a example.com

FTP accounts:
# ahc -m install -s ftp
# ahc -m test -s ftp
# ahc -m ftp -a example.com -u User -p Password

MySQL accounts:
# ahc -m install -s mysql
# ahc -m test -s mysql
# ahc -m mysql -a example.com -u User -p Password

Bind zone:
# ahc -m install -s bind
# ahc -m test -s bind
# ahc -m bind -a example.com -i

Git deployment:
# ahc -m test -s git
# ahc -m git -a example.com
# ahc -m git -d example.com

Git jail:
ahc -m test -s git_jail
ahc -m git_jail -a mail@example.com -p 'TYPE KEY-STRING COMMENT'
ahc -m git_jail -d mail@example.com
ahc -m git_jail -l
ahc -m git_jail -i example.com -e templates -u mail@example.com
ahc -m git_jail -i example.com -f templates -u mail@example.com

Project Protection
# ahc -m test -s crypt
# ahc -m crypt -a mount
# ahc -m crypt -a umount

# ahc -m install -s mail

# ahc -m install -s firewall
# iptables -L -n
# cat /etc/init.d/rc.fw



# ahc -m apache -t php -a hostname -o -x
# ahc -m apache -t php -d hostname
# ahc -m apache -t php -e hostname
# ahc -m apache -t php -f hostname
# ahc -m apache -t php -l

# ahc -m nginx -t php -a hostname
# ahc -m nginx -t php -d hostname
# ahc -m nginx -t php -e hostname
# ahc -m nginx -t php -f hostname

# ahc -m ftp -a hostname -u user -p password
# ahc -m ftp -a hostname -u user -p random
# ahc -m ftp -a hostname -u user -p password -f folder
# ahc -m ftp -a hostname
# ahc -m ftp -d hostname

# ahc -m mysql -a hostname -u user -p password
# ahc -m mysql -a hostname -u user -p random
# ahc -m mysql -a hostname
# ahc -m mysql -d hostname -u user

# ahc -m bind -a hostname -i ip-address
# ahc -m bind -d hostname

# ahc -m backup -b mysql
# ahc -m backup -b site

# ahc -m test -s apache
# ahc -m test -s nginx
# ahc -m test -s ftp
# ahc -m test -s mysql
# ahc -m test -s bind
# ahc -m test -s crypt
# ahc -m test -s git
# ahc -m test -s git_jail
# ahc -m test -s sendmail
# ahc -m test -s all

# ahc -m certs -i example.com -a email-address
# ahc -m certs -i example.com -d email-address
# ahc -m certs -i example.com -l

# ahc -m vpn -a client1
# ahc -m vpn -d client1

Projects protection
# ahc -m crypt -a encrypt
# ahc -m crypt -a mount
# ahc -m crypt -a umount
# ahc -m crypt -a decrypt
# ahc -m crypt -a e
# ahc -m crypt -a m
# ahc -m crypt -a u
# ahc -m crypt -a d

Service Installing
# ahc -m install -s apache2_ssl
# ahc -m install -s nginx_ssl
# ahc -m install -s ftp
# ahc -m install -s bind
# ahc -m install -s mysql
# ahc -m install -s firewall
# ahc -m install -s nginx_proxy
# ahc -m install -s certs -i example.com
# ahc -m install -s lighttpd
# ahc -m install -s sendmail
# ahc -m install -s mail
# ahc -m install -s shell
# ahc -m install -s jira
# ahc -m install -s confluence
# ahc -m install -s web
# ahc -m install -s vpn
# ahc -m install -s dropbox
# ahc -m install -s all

Ahc flags:
    --version - current version
    -h or --help - help section

Bind flags:
    -a = add zone
    -d = remove zone
    -i = ip-address for a specified zone

Certs flags:
    -a = add user
    -d = remove user
    -l = List of users

MySQL flags:
    -a = add [database] or [hostname]
    -d = remove database
    -u = username(optional)
    -p = password(optional)

FTP flags:
    -a = add ftp account for hostname
    -d = remove ftp account(still working, when hostname is removed)
    -u = username (optional)
    -p = password (optional)
    -f = manual specified folder (optional)

        Default "username" & "password" is equal to hostname

Git jail flags:
    -a - add user
    -p - ssh public key
    -d - delete user
    -l - user list
    -i - project name (domain name)
    -e - add access for directory in project
    -u - email address
    -f - remove access for directory

Apache/Nginx flags:
    -t = type [php,python,django,ruby,ror]
    -a = add host
    -d = remove host
    -e = enable host
    -f = disable host
    -o = static optimization(optional)
    -x = enable host protection(optional)
    -l = list available websites
    -w = wsgi config for python OR django (nginx/uwsgi)
    -b = basic auth. params=user:password
    -v = VirtualEnv (available for python & django)