Currently 95% of streamers on Twitch have 5 viewers or less. As 5% of streamers have most of the audience, this project aims to change that by giving more exposure to small streamers!
Mini Stream is a concept created by superjp, on a web app call (for french streamers). The idea is simple:
- A random streamer that has 5 viewers or less is chosen and displayed on the website.
- Every 5 minutes a new stream starts, choosing a new random mini stream!
This project provides a django server that allows you to setup such a web app for any language.
The first step is to setup the Twitch API app keys. You can do so by setting up the environment variables TWITCH_SPOTLIGHT_APP_ID
. You can generate you keys on the Twitch developper console.
On Windows
On Linux
export TWITCH_SPOTLIGHT_APP_ID=mykeyhere
export TWITCH_SPOTLIGHT_APP_SECRET=mysecretkeyhere
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python runserver
If using VSCode launch settings are available for making migrations, migrating and running the server.
Currently the server will look for portuguese streamers, but the language chosen (and other settings) can be defined on the app settings file.