
This is the frontend part of a twin repo. The backend part is created using ServerLess framework, and this frontend connects to it.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Mock production build (i.e. in a VPS) using nohup. See Deployment section. `

Photo Uploader Project

Please note - this is part of an open source project written by me, Joe Gilmore - you can read the full details of this project here joemore.com/photo-uploader-with-aws-serverless-nextjs-and-tailwind/

You will need the backend AWS service installed to run this project - you can find the backend code here Backend Repo

Photo Uploader Frontend

Repo: github.com/joemore/aws-serverless-photo-uploader-frontend-nextjs

First, run the development server (You might need to run yarn first to install dependencies):

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Linking up the Backend

This project requires you to create an AWS backend to handle the Cognito Auth pool, and the DynamoDB and S3 systems that handle the photo uploads.

You can find the backend code here Backend Repo - once you have deployed the backend to AWS, you will need to copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.local and update the following values:


Run yarn dev again and you should be able to login and start to upload photos.


Run the following commands for a permanent deployment that does not require a persistent terminal session.

yarn build
nohup yarn prod &
  • Site should be accessible at http://localhost:5000 / or mapped domain if using a reverse proxy
  • Prod server console logs will be in ./nohup.out
  • To kill nohup prod server process:
kill %1