
Preview buildable items and recipes

Primary LanguageSQF


Preview buildable items and recipes

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Install the Trader Catalogue first!
a custom compliles.sqf, keyboard.sqf or another way to open the menu


In your description.ext at the bottom paste

(below chx_defines.hpp from the trader catalogue)

#include "scripts\recipes\chx_buildings.hpp" 

Save and close.


In your compiles.sqf find

if (!isDedicated) then {

Somewhere below that paste

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\recipes\init.sqf";

Save and close.


Next, open your keyboard.sqf, scroll to the bottom and above the last



	if (_dikCode == 0x25) then { [] call building_catalog;	};	// Recipes (K) Button

Save and close.


Install Complete


Epoch devs And everyone in the forums/discord for testing and helping.