
We obtain this repository by refactoring the code for the blog post Using Microsoft AI to Build a Lung-Disease Prediction Model using Chest X-Ray Images. This instruction aims to help newcomers build the system in a very short time.


  1. Clone this repository

    git clone

    We'll call the directory that you cloned PredictLungDisease ROOT

  2. All essential dependencies should be installed:pickle, random, re, tqdm, cv2, numpy, pandas, sklearn, keras, tensorflow, keras_contrib, collections.counter.

Data set up

  1. Download the NIH Chest X-ray Dataset from here:
    You need to get all the image files (all the files under images folder in NIH Dataset), Data_Entry_2017.csv file, as well as the Bounding Box data BBox_List_2017.csv.

  2. Create Directory

    mkdir ROOT/azure-share/chestxray/data/ChestX-ray8/ChestXray-NIHCC
    mkdir ROOT/azure-share/chestxray/data/ChestX-ray8/ChestXray-NIHCC_other
  3. Save all images under ROOT/azure-share/chestxray/data/ChestX-ray8/ChestXray-NIHCC

  4. Save Data_Entry_2017.csv and BBox_List_2017.csv under ROOT/azure-share/chestxray/data/ChestX-ray8/ChestXray-NIHCC_other

  5. Process the Data

    mkdir ROOT/azure-share/chestxray/output/data_partitions

    Run to create *.pickle files under this directory


  1. We have provided the pretrained-model azure_chest_xray_14_weights_712split_epoch_054_val_loss_191.2588.hdf5 under ROOT/azure-share/chestxray/output/fully_trained_models. You can also download it separately from here.

  2. Run and it will create weights_only_azure_chest_xray_14_weights_712split_epoch_054_val_loss_191.2588.hdf5 saving weights of the pretrained-model under the same directory.

  3. Below is the result showing the AUC score of all the 14 diseases:

    Disease Our AUC Score Stanford AUC Score Delta
    Atelectasis 0.822334 0.8094 -0.012934
    Cardiomegaly 0.933610 0.9248 -0.008810
    Effusion 0.882471 0.8638 -0.018671
    Infiltration 0.744504 0.7345 -0.010004
    Mass 0.858467 0.8676 0.009133
    Nodule 0.784230 0.7802 -0.004030
    Pneumonia 0.800054 0.7680 -0.032054
    Pneumothorax 0.829764 0.8887 0.058936
    Consolidation 0.811969 0.7901 -0.021869
    Edema 0.894102 0.8878 -0.006302
    Emphysema 0.847477 0.9371 0.089623
    Fibrosis 0.882602 0.8047 -0.077902
    Pleural Thickening 1.000000 0.8062 -0.193800
    Hernia 0.916610 0.9164 -0.000210


  1. Create Folder Test

    mkdir ROOT/azure-share/chestxray/data/ChestX-ray8/test_images

    Copy any number of images under ChestXray-NIHCC to test_images and resize them to 224x224 pixels.

  2. Run and it will output a Class Activation Map(CAM). The CAM lets us see which regions in the image were relevant to this class.


Referenced Paper


Please contact if you have any problem.