
Analysis and visualisation of oscilloscope data collected during testing of a Triple GEM detector prototype

Primary LanguageC++

Triple GEM Analysis and Visualisation package

Framework that reads, processes and plots the oscilloscope data collected in the testing of a Triple-GEM detector prototype. The original data are not shared here, but the final plots can be seen in the official report.  

🚩 List of scripts

Macros are made to be run through ROOT CERN, simply doing root -l macro.cxx:

  • Baseline.C Reads list of measurements from different files and calculates the average baseline

  • ADC.C Reads and plots ADC entries

  • ShowSignals.cpp Produces a plot resembling the oscilloscope output and saves it into a root file, to be opened with ReadSignals.cpp The signals shown are without baseline correction

  • ShowSignalsBSC.cpp Produces a plot resembling the oscilloscope output and saves it into a root file, to be opened with ReadSignals.cpp Baseline correction is applied to the signals.

  • ReadSignals.cpp Reads the plot produced by ShowSignals.cpp and prints it in good fashion

  • ExtractData.sh Opens each directory (containing a set of measurements for a given value of V) and produces the list of signal files in each directoy, reads the number of signal files, and produces the list of measurement sets

  • Sigma_VsHV.cpp Produces the sigma and std vs HV plot for mixture 1 and mixture 2

  • Sigma_VsEff.cpp Produces the sigma vs eff plot for mixture 1, mixture 2 and both mixtures together

  • EffVshv.cpp Calculates the efficiency measured with two gas mixtures and produces the efficiency vs Voltage for each mixture. The error on efficicency is calculated using binomial statistics.

  • effs.cpp Measures the efficiency from data, estimated as the number of triple coincidences / number of double coincidences. The uncertainty is estimated in the script "sigma_VsEff", using the TEfficiency class of root

  • montecarlomiomultieff.cpp Simulates triple and double concidences with triple GEM detector setup using random numbers of cosmic muons. The simulted efficiency is estimated as N(Triple coinc.)/N(Double coinc.) Plots the estimated efficiency for each number of simulated muons.