
Graph Database: Algorithms and Data Structures final project - Politecnico di Milano a.a. 2018/2019

Primary LanguageC

Grade A+

Final Examination: Graph Database - Algorithms and Data Structures Project

This is one of the three project for BSc thesis at Politecnico di Milano.
The related course for this project is "Algoritmi e Principi dell'Informatica" (i.e. Algorithms and Theoretical Computer Science).

NOTE: Project's main concern was about performance.


Aim of this project was to realize a basic graph database in which every entity can be linked to another by one or more connection type. Every time it is asked by a report command, a report must show for each connection type the "hole" in which the highest number of connections go into.



  • "Alice" is sister to "Bob";
  • "Clara" is sister to "Bob";
  • "Diana" is sister to "Eleonore";

then, when printing information about the connection type "sister", just "Bob" must be shown (because he has two incoming logic relationships, and "Eleonore" has got just one of them).

See specification here: Specification document (italian only).
See the code in main.c file.


My implementation is mainly focused on raw speed of execution. Of course lots of attention has been paid to lowering memory consumption as well, but my primarily concern when I designed the program was to achieve as much speed of execution as possible.
Some of my priorities when I engineered my program:

  • Proper data structure usage in order to reduce time complexity when performing repetitive operations
  • Fast hash algorithm
  • Proper memory usage (cache exploitation as much as possible)
  • Attention to what specific C functions are called (especially for I/O operations, which were the bottlenecks at runtime)
  • Taking shortcuts in computations when possible (e.g. when parsing the command string taken in input).

More implementation info

[Taken from the comment on top of the code]

High-level design

  • Particular data structures needed to be used in order to run the program as fast as possible.
  • My choice was to use a mix of Hash Tables and RB-Trees thus to have optimum time complexity.
  • Memory usage was critical. In order not to exceed memory bounds, foreach entity id and relation_type id, I save just one char vector, and I refer to them using pointers.

Low-level design

  • Low-level optimizations all over the code is also a key factor, which allowed me to speed up the entire process in a significant way.
  • I tried to reduce I/O and memory interaction as much as possible (especially for I/O, which occurred to be a huge bottleneck when it came to use some particular functions like printf()).
  • Memory interaction was also reduced in two ways: by not doing some operations which involved strings comparison, and by adopting proper memory management practices (both for alignment and for caching). As an example: entities' hash table was sized in order to keep the entire vector in one memory page (other than to have a good load factor). Considering a 64bit processor, size of pointers is about 8 Byte, so the table dimension is 8*499 = 3992 Byte, so the table can be stored in a single 4KB page (Linux OS default dimension). This kind of optimizations allow the process to better exploit cache memory as much as possible, and so to run faster.
  • Another major improvement is made possible by the way RB-trees are used: it is not the ASCII order to be used for element insertion, by this way I would have been forced to use strcmp() which has a O(N) complexity (N: string dimension) and so to waste time; instead of that, I went for a poor-semantic but way better O(1) solution. Key problem is to just store nodes in O(logN) time, this because in my RB-trees ASCII order is unnecessary, so I just take the entity's node memory address (from the hash table) and use it as a parameter to insert an entity-related node in the RB-tree. This allows me not to do slow string comparisons and to use 8 Byte unsigned integer comparisons, which processors can probably handle in few clock cycles (matter of nanoseconds). By using RB-trees this way I can also make them behave like a kind of randomized tree, and so to keep the structure safe from time complexity systematic attack. With ASCII order insertion, an attacker could choose particular strings in order to make dictionary operations work at their worst (logN comparisons); this is not possible if we use addresses as parameters to insert nodes: an attacker cannot know which strings are stored in RB's leafs since he/she cannot know the entity node's address without analyzing the memory first. (What is said above, a part from the report-tree, in which string comparisons were necessary).
  • Some of the optimizations I did in order to speed up the program may have made it to lack semantic in some parts. However it is not a problem: evaluation tests were made automatically by a computer, so I focused on raw speed and memory usage. If the evaluation was made by humans, I would probably decided not to write certain kind of code, in order to maintain both semantic and flexibility.
  • NOTE: Just glibc functions and few others (like strdup()) were allowed to be used.

Final grade: 30 cum Laude / 30

Academic Year: 2018/2019