
Arp spoofing tool for linux

Primary LanguagePython


A utility that protect linux computers againest arpspoof attacks


  • Hide your machine (ip/MAC) from arp scanner utilities.
  • list all the live host in your LAN.
  • cut the connection between any live host and the gateway.
  • use wondershaper to control your upload or download speed limits.





Get your package from Download section

Run from source

  • create virtualenv python3 -m venv env_name.
  • activate the environment source env_name/bin/activate.
  • Get WxPython and install it inside the active venv pip install wxPython-4.xxxxx.whl
  • install the rest of python packages pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • run the server with root priviliages sudo env_name/bin/python3 server/tuxcutd.py.
  • run the gui env_name/bin/python3 client/tuxcut.py.
  • To build packages you need to install FPM then run the script build.sh