Simple command line game. The player is presented with a randomly chosen journal title and they need to guess the journal's acronym to earn points.
Player has 5 tries per journal maximum and every try/guess decreases the earnable points in that round.
[done] Use an API endpoint to request a list of journals in json format
- [done] Data needed to start: journal acronym and title
[wip] Store journals list locally ?
[done] Decode title
[done] Ask for player's name
[done] Select random title + corresponding acronym
- [done] Validate the acronym ([done]trim, [done]check length (4 char max), [done]see if it starts with 0)
[done] Show title to user
[done] Init std input loop to take guesses
If guess matches, add points to player's profile
[done] Clear console
[wip] Use colored console prints
create status_log.txt if it doesn't exist
Build in helper function(s):
- User can request a character (and earn less points in exchange)
- Maybe show a journal cover (need to extend the API call for this)
- Journal imprint?
[done] Limit guesses and/or decrease points per iteration
Store/update user game profile as text file
Game stats in file:
- number of games played
- players
Game menu
- [done] new
- max points / txt / json
- load, continue
- txt / json
- save
- txt / json
- user
- name
- points
- history
- reset history
- [done] exit
- download data
- [done] new