
Remix + Cloudflare starter with Google Auth, Drizzle ORM, Vitest

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Remix Cloudflare Starter

An opinionated Remix starter for Cloudflare workers, with Google Auth integration

  • Remix
  • Cloudflare (D1, KV)
  • Google Auth
  • Drizzle ORM
  • Vitest

Get Started (OSX)

  1. Set up an OAuth 2.0 application in the Google Cloud console
  2. Create a .dev.vars file with the following env variables set
  1. Run npm i
  2. Install mkcert
  3. Run npm run cert:regen to generate a locally-trusted ssl cert using mkcert
  4. Run npm run db:migrate:local to apply db migrations
  5. Run npm start to spin up the dev server
  6. Visit https://localhost:8788 to see the application running
  7. Run npm run db:schema:generate after making modifications to the db schema to generate db migrations from it
  8. Run npm run db:studio in a separate terminal tab to spin up a drizzle studio instance to interact with the local D1 db

Deploying to Cloudflare

  1. Create a Clouflare account and follow the instructions here for deploying Remix site to Cloudflare Pages with a Github integration. Automatic deployments are enabled by default for the staging and main branches (configurable in ./build.sh).
  2. For interacting with your D1 DB in preview and production, you'll need to create D1 instances in your Cloudflare account and bind the DB IDs in ./wrangler.toml More info here.