
LocatePlaces is an iOS App that allows to show the location of the Continuum's office and trace a route from the user location, also show embebed web content (Twitter and Demo), it connect with flickr API and shows the pictures like an iPhone Photogallery.

LocatePlaces is an iOS App that allows to show the location of the Continuum's office and trace a route from the user location, also show embebed web content (Twitter and Demo), it connect with flickr API and shows the pictures like an iPhone Photogallery. 

 This application uses:  

- KissXML: to parse XML responses (http://code.google.com/p/kissxml/) 

- Ojb-C JSON parser: to parse JSON responses (http://code.google.com/p/json-framework/)  

- GoogleToolbox: to manage urls (http://code.google.com/p/google-toolbox-for-mac) 

- CSMapAnnotation: to show the image annotations at map 

- CSMapRoute: to trace a route between points  

- Google Maps API (directions/json): to find all the points and a possible route between points. (walking) (http://code.google.com/intl/es-ES/apis/maps/documentation/directions/)  

- Three20: to make everything easy. (http://www.three20.info)  

- To make a photo, I used TTRemote Example from three20.info