What is Redux?

Redux is a state management library for JavaScript apps.

Can be used with: React, Angular, Vue and even with Vanilla JS.

State management solutions

  • Flux: (by Facebook in 2014), is a architecture pattern.
  • Redux: Popular due to simplicity and elegance.
  • MobX: Popular library.

Why Redux?

All application state in a single an JavaScript object "store". Redux manages a single source of truth. Database for front-end.

  • Centralizes application's state.
  • Makes data flow transparent and predictable.


  • Functions are first class objects in JavaScript.

  • Higher order function: A function which takes a function as an argument. Eg: map array function, setTimeout etc.

  • Composition: Break a task into multiple small functions as it becomes easier to test. Passing a function inside another is called composition. Needs to be read from right to left and becomes an issue with all the paranthesis.

  • Lodash: A powerful utility library for JavaScript.


const add = (a) => (b) => a + b;

// currying

Pure Functions

// When provide same argument, result should be same.
(arg) => result;

// Not a Pure function

function value(arg) {
  return arg * math.random();
  • We cannot use random values

  • No current date/time

  • Cannot read or change global state (DOM, files, db, etc)

  • We cannot mutate our parameters

  • We have to make sure that the reducers are pure functions. Other function in our application can be impure.

Benefits of Pure functions:

  • Self Documenting: Whatever value it requires must be passed as parameter
  • Easily testable
  • Concurrency: Can be ran in parallel
  • Cacheable


Once created, cannot be changed! PROS:

  • Predictability
  • Faster Change Detection
  • Concurrency CONS:
  • Performance
  • Memory Overhead: Copying objects, libaries are there to reduce the impact (structural sharing)

Enforcing immutability

Since JavaScript is a not a fully-functiona prograaming language, to enforce immutability we use following libraries:

  • ImmutableJS: Developed by Facebook, has issues, provides immutable data structures
  • Immer: Developed by creator of MobX, trendy
  • Mori: Popular

Redux Architecture

3 building blocks of redux application.

  • Store: Single JS object that includes our application state.

  • Actions(Event): Which are plain javascript object that represents what just happened.

  • Reducer(Event Handler): One or more reducer, each responsible for updating a slice of the store. They are "Pure Functions". They get the current store instance and return the updated one.

  • Action (dispatch) -> Store -> Reducer (updated) - - -> Store

  • Helps in logging action and see how state changes. Also helps in undoing actions.