Issues Explorer (front end)

Please feel free to ask questions! First and foremost, this project is meant for you to showcase what you can do with JavaScript (specifically Vue, but React is also OK) and CSS.

We want to gauge your grasp of Javascript (using Vue or React), CSS (preprocessors are encouraged!), and how you organize your code. We'll be looking for best practices, your development process, design decisions, and overall project structure. Covering edge cases is also something we look out for.

M-V-P! M-V-P!

Your mission is to create a prototype of a cool issue explorer for a fictional client. As an initial goal, you'll be creating the issue explorer for GitHub issues and those issues will be filterable by their state!

We are giving you complete control over the architecture of how to implement it. We prefer if you used Vue, however using React is also okay in case you're much more comfortible with it.

See _mocks folder to get a clear picture of the task 😎


  • It must look and feel good across all screen sizes
  • No CSS frameworks
  • That's it!

Tasks (required)

  • Create a file with simple instructions to run the app.
  • Create a search page with a search bar. Users should be able to paste a GitHub repo URL here.
  • Create a results page that displays all (open, closed, pull requests) issues from the search query.
  • Indicate which issues are closed or pull requests using the icons.
  • Implement filtering by open, closed, or pull requests on the results page.

Bonus (not required)

If you have some extra time, pick any of the following!

  • Implement smooth transitions to and from the search and results pages.
  • When a filter is applied, add show / hide transitions to the results.
  • Add indicators for search progress.
  • Cover the case of an error fetching the results.
  • Implement pagination with either infinite scrolling or multiple pages.
  • Allow users to be able to share states via URLs to other users so that they can view results without searching!

Use the Github issues API as your source of data. The first page with all issues should have the status param set to all. Be aware of the API's pagination params.


  • It is an MVP (minimum viable product) - done is better than perfect.
  • This project is designed to be completed in about 4 hours, but if you need some extra time to plan, research, and fill in the "Looking Back" section of your Q&A, take it!
  • Test your app with repos that are full of isses and repos that have no issues at all.

Before you start, please read and fill out the "Planning" section of the

That's all for now. Don't hesitate to ask questions, for guidance or for more clarification on the project. We are excited to see what you come up with!

Good luck!