
Keycloak setup for local development in KinD with Crossplane

Keycloak KinD Setup

This is a small Keycloak server that is meant to be deployed with KinD. It includes the complete setup for:

  • Deploying a KinD cluster
  • Adding Crossplane
  • Installing the Keycloak Operator
  • Building a Keycloak Server
  • Configuring the Keycloak Server with a custom realm, role, and user


# create the KinD cluster
kind create cluster --config cluster.yaml

# Deploy Crossplane
kubectl create ns crossplane
helm install crossplane ./crossplane -n crossplane

# Deploy Keycloak Operator
kubectl apply -k ./keycloak-operator

# Deploy Keycloak Server
kubectl apply -k ./keycloak-server

# Deploy Keycloak Config
helm install keycloak-config ./keycloak-config -n keycloak

# Create a port forward to access the UI:
kubectl port-forward service/example-kc-service -n keycloak 8080:8080

The UI should now be accessible on localhost:8080, login with username admin and password password. A realm named test-realm should exist with a user and a client already configured.