
Tool for trying to find a typo in the Wasabi wallet password

Primary LanguageC#


Get The Requirements

  1. Get Git: https://git-scm.com/downloads
  2. Get .NET Core 2.2 SDK: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download

Get and build this software from source code

git clone https://github.com/lontivero/WasabiPasswordFinder.git


$ dotnet run -s {encryptedSecret} [OPTIONS]+ 
Usage: dotnet run [OPTIONS]+
Example: dotnet run -s 6PYSeErf23ArQL7xXUWPKa3VBin6cuDaieSdABvVyTA51dS4Mxrtg1CpGN

  -s, --secret=VALUE         The secret from your .json file (EncryptedSecret).
  -l, --language=VALUE       The charset to use: en, es, it, fr, pt. Default=en.
  -n, --numbers=VALUE        Try passwords with numbers. Default=true.
  -x, --symbols=VALUE        Try passwords with symbolds. Default=true.
  -h, --help                 Show Help

You can find your encryptedSecret in your Wallet.json file, that you have previously created with Wasabi.

dotnet run -- -s 6PYSJ71rbacdSS2htBcpSccutEEEJqGHq3152FuT357ha6iat6BkENGwUB -l es -numbers -symbols
WARNING: This tool will display you password if it finds it. Also, the process status display your wong password chars.
         You can cancel this by CTRL+C combination anytime.

Enter password: ****
[##############################################################################                      ] 78% - ET: 00:00:47.7226706

Completed in 00:02:51.4221061
SUCCESS: Password found: >>> pato <<<


This process is rather slow and CPU heavy. Even for a 10 chars length password it can take significant time to run and finding the error is not warranted in any case. Please review the code before running it.