A script which outputs an overview of a Cisco MPLS environment by showing VRF related information, leaks, L3 interfaces, and summary of each VRF static routes The output is an Excel workbook, each workbook sheet contains a specific PE related information - by default, but could aggregate multiple PE in one sheet
The analysis is done on log files of the commands output "show run" and "sh vlan" for each PE. Each PE on a separate log file.
1. install openpyxl package
$pip install openpyxl
1. A directory that contains PEs' log file
2. Extension to filter files based on
Outputs - on the same directory of log files:
1. MPLS overview Excel file
2. L3 interfaces Excel file
3. Database SQL dump file
Log files:
1. Save each PE log file by the extention .log
Path and the expected extention could be changed at the beginning of the main function
2. PE log file name options
Option 1: Preceed the name with number (ex. "1 PE.log")
The number is used to order Excel workbook sheets
Option 2: Log file name without preceding number (ex. "PE2.log")
Log file information would be collected with other PEs - without precedding number - log files
on a workbook sheet called Branches