
Running and registering a GitLab multi runner shell executor on Centos7 x64 Vagrant Virtual Box VM

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Running GitLab Runner Shell executor on Centos7 x64 Vagrant Virtual Box VM

Software Platforms version

  1. Vagrant version 1.9.1
  2. Virtual Box version 5.1.12

Install Virtual Box Guest Additions plugin

The official Centos7 Vagrant Box does not come with virtualbox Guest Addtions installed.

There is a Vagrant Plugin however which will automatically do this for you. Run command:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Commands to run

vagrant up --no-provision

CIURL=http://gitlab.com/ci CITOKEN=iczzrkesvKjemG5HVh1K NAME=my-runner vagrant provision