
IGP topology with NeXt UI

This is not the first network topology drawing tool that use the NeXt UI. The NeXt UI Toolkit is an HTML5 / JavaScript based toolbox for networked web applications. https://creations.devnetcloud.com/detail?cid=1e4a9f92-deea-11e7-9d2f-aed03b171102 https://github.com/NeXt-UI

This small project contains Python script and templates for parsing IGP LSDB (OSPF and ISIS) such vendors as Nokia, Juniper, Cisco and Huawei, creating topology in json format for drawing network topology in NeXt UI and showing it in your browser.

Using this script is very easy.

  1. Please load a file with LSDB in directory /test_files. Currently contains the few tests files.
  2. In the file config.yaml specify the path and name to your LSDB file, vendor name, where did you get the LSDB file, and type of IGP (OPSF or ISIS).
  3. Install requirements from requirements.txt.
  4. Runnig the script igp_topo_light.py and enjoy your network topology in a browser.

Currently supported:

  • Nokia - OSPF and ISIS;
  • Juniper - OSPF and ISIS;
  • Cisco - OSPF and ISIS;
  • Huawei - OSPF and ISIS.

Following commands outputs are possible for parsing:


show router isis database detail

show router ospf database type router detail


show isis database extensive

show ospf database router detail


show isis database detail

show ip ospf database router


display isis lsdb verbose

display ospf lsdb router

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