#Express BEM render plugin => express-bem-xjst-renderer

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npm i --save https://github.com/stochastical/express-bem-xjst-renderer.git


Activate plugin in express in a usual way

var renderer = require('express-bem-xjst-renderer')({
    debug: true,
    precompileDir: 'views'

    .set('views', './views')
    .set('view engine', 'bemtree.js')
    .engine('bemtree.js', renderer)


  • debug --- (Boolean) show messages about compiling templates and rendering views
  • precompileDir --- (String) path to view dir. If set, then precompile and cache all views (*.bemtree.js and *.bemhtml.js) from this directory. Works only in production environment (NODE_ENV=production). Without this option precaching will occur on first render request.

##Examples See examples in example project https://github.com/stochastical/express-bem-xjst-renderer-test.git