
Code for Giò SmartVase device for micro:bit controller written in micro:bit C++.

Reading period: 5s


The SmartVase exposes the following BLE Characteristics, in addition to the default ones:

  • Light: light sensed (0 - 255)
    • Service: -
    • Characteristic: 02759250523e493b8f941765effa1b20
    • Properties: NOTIFY
  • Temperature: temperature sensed (0 - 255)
    • Service: -
    • Characteristic: e95d9250251d470aa062fa1922dfa9a8
    • Properties: NOTIFY
  • Moisture: Moisture level (0 - 255)
    • Service: -
    • Characteristic: 73cd7350d32c4345a543487435c70c48
    • Properties: NOTIFY, WRITE
    • dry: 24, wet: 100
  • Watering: pump trigger
    • Service: -
    • Characteristic: ce9e7625c44341db9cb581e567f3ba93
    • Properties: WRITE

Pump Schema

Pump schema

Moisture Schema

Moisture schema


In order to build the software you need the yotta tool. Check the website for instructions (

After you installed yotta, build the code by running:

yt build

Then, move/copy the file build/bbc-microbit-classic-gcc/source/gio-smart-vase-combined.hex into the micro:bit.

cp build/bbc-microbit-classic-gcc/source/gio-smart-vase-combined.hex /Volumes/MICROBIT