Through games and story telling, collect users' speech as they play on a mobile app. Here I will brainstorm and play around with what kind of apps I can create to collect more speech data.
- imitation app: earn points by mimicking another sound as closely as possible
- learn how to:
- collect, analyze, and maybe even manipulate speech with Python
- rate performance across different types of speakers while measuring for bias
- deal with speech data for something fun
- develop a game... and maybe even do some simple 3D animations with Blender.. we'll see..
- cffi (cffi-1.11.5 pycparser-2.18)
- sounddevice (sounddevice-0.3.11)
- Numpy
- What your speech sounds like as the opposite gender, as an adult/child
- Who can tell a better story from something like "Rory's game cubes"?
- Add animation to a story generated by someone? (need speech2txt for that)
- Record notes for the day as well as reminders
- Record special messages for your future self
- Have a conversation with a 3D character... challenge! Blender and so much more!!