
C++ Utility Library and Project Initialization

Primary LanguageC++



make utility_bench
make bench_baseline
make bench_compare


make utility_tests


sudo ./install.py



Initialized a directory with CMakeLists.txt, main.cpp, test.cpp and a build folder.


Creates a header and source file for a class name argument. Create a template with -t [Parameter Names...].


Installs all scripts to /usr/local/bin/ unless alternative path is provided as an argument, scripts are installed as executable and without any extension. Installs all headers in /usr/local/include/utility/.

C++ Headers


Variable precision integer class template. Implements:

  • operator+
  • operator-
  • operator*
  • operator/
  • operator%
  • exp()
  • root()
  • Comparison, Bitwise, Increment/Decrement and Compound Assignment operators
  • Copy/Assignment from integer literals, std::bitset, Unsigned_integers of any precision, std::string and const char* interpreted as a Decimal value, unless a prefix is used ('0x' - Hexadecimal, '0' - Octal, '0b' - Binary)
#include <utility/unsigned_integer.hpp>

template <std::size_t N>
using uInt = utility::Unsigned_integer<N>;

int main() {
    assert(uInt<256>::precision == 256);
    assert(uInt<5000>::precision == 5000);

    uInt<128> i_128{"340282366920938463463374607431768211455"};  // Dec
    uInt<4> i_4{12};

    assert((i_128 / i_4).precision == 128);
    assert((i_4 / i_128).precision == 4);
    assert((i_128 = i_4) == 12);

    i_128 = std::bitset<128>{"10010101"};
    assert(i_128.to_string(16) == "95");  // ::to_string(int base)
    assert(i_128.to_string(8) == "225");
    assert(i_128.to_string(3) == "12112");
    assert(i_128.to_string(20) == "79");
    assert(i_128.to_string() == "149");

    i_128 = "0x2da4a5515";  // Hex
    assert(i_128.to_string(2) == "1011011010010010100101010100010101");

    i_128 = "01234567";  // Octal
    assert(i_128.to_string() == "342391");


Wraps a value and provides get/set members. Setting the value emits a Signal which passes on the value which was set.

#include <utility/property.hpp>
int main() {
    int flag{0};
    utility::Property<int> i{5};
    i.on_change().connect([&flag](int x) { flag = x; });
    assert(flag == 17);


Format a std::chrono::duration object to a string of a specified time unit, or to a unit determined by an output digit limit. Requires C++17.

#include <utility/duration_view.hpp>
int main() {
    using Duration_t = std::chrono::duration<long, std::nano>;
    using utility::duration_view;
    Duration_t long_duration{18'000'000'000'000};

    // 3 digit output limit
    assert("300 minutes", duration_view(long_duration, 3));

    // 6 digit output limit, thousands separators by default.
    assert("18,000 seconds", duration_view(long_duration, 6));
    assert("18000 seconds", duration_view(long_duration, 6, false));

    // Specified Time_unit
    assert("5 hours", duration_view<std::chrono::hours>(long_duration));
    assert("18000000000000 microseconds",
           duration_view<std::chrono::microseconds>(long_duration, false));


Simple Logging class, can output to any stream with by using Basic_log<Stream_t> class template. Provides global log_cout, log_cerr, and log_clog objects as well as Log type alias to output to a std::ofstream.

#include <utility/log.hpp>

using namespace std::chrono_literals;
int main() {
    utility::Log log;  // Defaults to file named log.txt, appends text
    log << "Hello, log" << std::endl;
    log.set_width(16);  // minimum width for label in Log::value()
    log.value("Magic Number", 18);


cout_new.hpp, cerr_new.hpp, clog_new.hpp

Operator new overloads, displaying each allocation's size and location. Deallocations provide the location. Only include one of these headers, and all allocations made within the translation unit will be recorded. Totals are given at the end of program execution. Also possible to provide your own stream by defining a std::ostream object named utility::detail::stream_ as shown below.

namespace utility {
namespace detail {

std::ostream& stream_{my_stream};

}  // namespace detail
}  // namespace utility

#include <utility/detail/new_overloads.hpp>


Output categorized type traits and numeric limits to a given stream.

#include <utility/type_view.hpp>
int main() {
    utility::type_view::primary_categories<int>();  // (os = std::cout)
    utility::type_view::operations<int, double>();  // <T, U = T>
    utility::type_view::type_relationships<int, double>();  // <T, U = T>

    utility::type_view_all<int, double>();  // <T, U = T>


Provides functions to output raw data representation of any object. Data types larger than size_of(unsigned long long), typically 64 bits, can only be displayed as binary. Combine with Unsigned_integer class to get past this.

#include <utility/memory_view.hpp>
int main() {
    // Convinience Functions
    char16_t c{0b0010000010101100};
    std::string binary{utility::as_binary(c)};  // (T obj, separators = true)
    std::string octal{utility::as_octal(c)};    // Does not have separators
    std::string hexadecimal{utility::as_hex(c, false)}; // false = no separators
    std::string decimal{utility::as_decimal(c)};

    assert(binary == "0010 0000 1010 1100");
    assert(octal == "20254");
    assert(hexadecimal == "20AC");
    assert(decimal == "8,364");


Simple formatted string output of a container's contents. Requires the contained type have operator<<(std::ostream) overloaded.

#include <utility/container_view.hpp>
int main() {
    std::vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
    std::string vec_view{utility::container_view(vec)};
    assert(vec_view == "{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }");

    // Using iterators
    vec_view = utility::container_view(std::begin(vec), std::begin(vec) + 3);
    assert(vec_view == "{ 1, 2, 3 }");


Combines any number of traits to provide a static type member which acts as a single trait with a value member which is true if all traits are true for the given type.

#include <utility/compound_trait.hpp>

struct Foo {};

template <typename T>
using Is_const_class =
    utility::Compound_trait<std::is_class, std::is_const>::template type<T>;

int main() {
    assert(!Is_const_class<const int>::value);
    assert(Is_const_class<const Foo>::value);


Type trait to check a trait against multiple types, providing a static value member if each type is true to the trait. Logical AND. Requires C++17.

#include <utility/trait_conjunction.hpp>
struct Foo {};
struct Bar {};

template <typename... Types>
constexpr bool Are_classes() {
    return utility::trait_conjunction_v<std::is_class, Types...>;

int main() {
    using TC_1 = utility::Trait_conjunction<std::is_class, Foo, Bar>;

    using TC_2 = utility::Trait_conjunction<std::is_class, int, double, Foo>;

    constexpr bool var_1 =
        utility::trait_conjunction_v<std::is_void, void, void, void, void>;

    constexpr bool var_2 = Are_classes<Foo, Bar>();

    constexpr bool var_3 = Are_classes<Foo, Bar, int, double, Foo, int>();
    // Combine with Compound Trait.
    template <typename T>
    using Is_const_class =
        utility::Compound_trait<std::is_class, std::is_const>::template type<T>;

    template <typename... Types>
    constexpr bool Are_const_classes() {
        return utility::trait_conjunction_v<Is_const_class, Types...>;
    constexpr bool var_4 = Are_const_classes<const Foo, const Bar>();


Type trait to check a trait against multiple types, providing a static value member if at least one type is true to the trait. Logical OR. Requires C++17.

#include <utility/trait_disjunction.hpp>
struct Foo {};
struct Bar {};

template <typename... Types>
constexpr bool has_class() {
    return utility::trait_disjunction_v<std::is_class, Types...>;

int main() {
    using TC_1 = utility::Trait_disjunction<std::is_class, Foo, Bar>;

    using TC_2 = utility::Trait_disjunction<std::is_class, int, double>;

    constexpr bool var =
        utility::trait_disjunction_v<std::is_void, void, void, void, void>;

    constexpr bool var_3 = has_class<Foo, Bar>();

    constexpr bool var_4 = has_class<int, double, int, char>();


Provides unmangled names as well as cv-qualified and reference type information for a provided type.

#include <utility/type_info.hpp>
int main() {
    utility::Type_info info_1 = utility::get_type_info<int>();
    assert("int" == static_cast<std::string>(info_1));

    utility::Type_info info_2{utility::get_type_info<const volatile int&&>()};
    assert("const volatile int&&" == info_2.full_type_name());
    assert("int" == info_2.type_name());
    utility::Type_info info_3{
        utility::get_type_info<volatile long** const*** volatile* const>()};
    assert("long volatile** const*** volatile* const" == 

    // Function Types
    using Func1_t = Foo (*)(int, long);
    utility::Type_info info_4{utility::get_type_info<Func1_t>()};
    assert("Foo (*)(int, long)" == info_4.full_type_name());

    using Func2_t = int (*volatile &&)(int);
    using Func3_t = Func2_t (*const volatile&&)(Func2_t);
    utility::Type_info info_5{utility::get_type_info<Func3_t>()};
        "int (* volatile&& (* const volatile&&)(Foo (*)(int, long)))(int)" ==


Template wrapper providing counts of the number of times each Special Member Function has been called.

#include <utility/smf_call_counter.hpp>
int main() {
    // Built-ins
    using Integer = utility::SMF_call_counter<int>;
        Integer var_1;        // Default Constructor
        Integer var_2{1};     // Copy Constructor
        var_1 = var_2;        // Copy Assignment
        var_2 = 42;           // Copy Assignment
    assert(1 == Integer::get_default_cstr_count());
    assert(1 == Integer::get_copy_cstr_count());
    assert(2 == Integer::get_copy_assignment_count());
    assert(2 == Integer::get_destructor_count());


    // Non-Trivial Classes
    using Unique_ptr = utility::SMF_call_counter<std::unique_ptr<int>>;
        Unique_ptr var_1;                            // Default constructor
        Unique_ptr var_2{std::make_unique<int>(1)};  // Move constructor
        Unique_ptr var_3{std::move(var_2)};          // Move constructor
        var_1 = std::move(var_3);                    // Move assignment
        var_1.reset()     // Transparent calls to template type's members.
    assert(1 == Unique_ptr::get_default_cstr_count());
    assert(0 == Unique_ptr::get_direct_cstr_counts());
    assert(0 == Unique_ptr::get_direct_cstr_count<std::unique_ptr<int>>());
    assert(0 == Unique_ptr::get_copy_cstr_count());
    assert(2 == Unique_ptr::get_move_cstr_count());
    assert(0 == Unique_ptr::get_assignment_counts());
    assert(0 == Unique_ptr::get_copy_assignment_count());
    assert(1 == Unique_ptr::get_move_assignment_count());
    assert(3 == Unique_ptr::get_destructor_count());

    // C-Arrays
    using Array = utility::SMF_call_counter<int[5]>;
        Array var_1;                 // Default Constructor
        Array var_2{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};  // Initializer List Constructor
        Array var_3{1, 2, 3};        // Initializer List Constructor
        Array var_4{};               // Default Constructor
    assert(2 == Array::get_default_cstr_count());
    assert(2 == Array::get_initializer_list_cstr_count());
    assert(4 == Array::get_destructor_count());

    // Aggregates
    struct Bar { int a; double b; char c; };
    using Baz = utility::SMF_call_counter<Bar>;
        Baz var_1;                    // Default Constructor
        Baz var_2{1, 2.3, 'a'};       // Aggregate Direct Constructor
        Baz var_3{var_2};             // Copy Constructor
        Baz var_4{std::move(var_2)};  // Copy Constructor
        Baz var_5{Baz{3, 2.1, 'b'}};  // Aggregate Direct Cstr; Copy Elision
        var_1 = var_3;                // Copy Assignment
        var_3 = std::move(var_1);     // Copy Assignment
    assert(1 == Baz::get_default_cstr_count());
    assert(2 == Baz::get_direct_cstr_counts());
    assert(2 == (Baz::get_direct_cstr_count<int, double, char>()));
    assert(2 == Baz::get_copy_cstr_count());
    assert(2 == Baz::get_copy_assignment_count());
    assert(5 == Baz::get_destructor_count());

    Array::direct_cstr_count_as_string<int, double, char>();
    Array::reset_direct_cstr_count<int, double, char>();


Produces individual random values as well as containers of values.

#include <utility/random_value.hpp>
int main() {
    const int lower_bound{0};
    const int upper_bound{255};

    // Single random value
    int rand{utility::random_value<int>(lower_bound, upper_bound)};
    float rand_f{utility::random_value<float>(lower_bound, upper_bound)};

    // Container of values
    const std::size_t size{32};
    auto container = utility::random_values<std::vector<double>>(
        size, lower_bound, upper_bound);

    // Array type of values
    auto array =
        utility::random_values<std::array<int, size>>(lower_bound, upper_bound);


Convinience function to add a separator at every thousands place in a number.

#include <utility/digit_separator.hpp>
int main() {
    const int value{123456789};
    std::string formatted_value{utility::digit_separator(value)};
    assert(formatted_value == "123,456,789");


Provides the strong exception guarantee to any container member function by a copy and swap. Specify the member function type to avoid ambiguity.

#include <utility/strong_guarantee.hpp>
using Container = std::vector<int>;

// Member function type.
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
using Mem_fn = Ret (Container::*)(Args...);

int main() {
    Container v{5, 4, 3, 2, 1};

    // Provide a member function, a Container, and the function's arguments.
    // (mem_fn, Container, Args...)
    utility::make_operation_strong(&Container::empty, v);

    // iter Container::insert(const_iter, const_iter) overloaded function
    using Insert_overload =
        Mem_fn<Container::iterator, Container::const_iterator,

    // Explicit template parameter for functions with overloads.
    utility::make_operation_strong<Insert_overload>(&Container::insert, v,
                                                    std::begin(v), 6);


Throws a std::runtime_error if the cast will narrow the value and cause it to loose precision.

#include <utility/narrow_cast.hpp>
int main() {
    const std::int32_t source{2147483647};
    try {
    } catch (std::runtime_error e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;


Retrieves a delimited dataset from a file.

#include <utility/from_file.hpp>
int main() {
    // Defaults to vector of int, whitespace delimiters.
    std::vector<int> foo = utility::from_file("my_data.txt");
    // Provide a list of delimiters as a string.
    auto bar = utility::from_file("my_data.txt", ",;\n");
    // Override the container type and value type to be parsed.
    auto baz = utility::from_file<std::vector<std::string>>("my_data.txt");


Writes a container of data to a file, with given delimiters.

#include <utility/to_file.hpp>
int main() {
    auto values = std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0};
    // Inserts default delimiter of " " space.
    utility::to_file(values, "values.txt");
    // Override default delimiter.
    utility::to_file(values, "values.txt", ", ");


Generate container of prime values from 2 up to a given limit. Has an upper limit of about 1,000,000,000 before becoming prohibitivly slow.

#include <utility/primes.hpp>
int main() {
    auto primes = utility::generate_primes<10>();
    auto expected = std::vector<int>{2, 3, 5, 7};
    assert(expected == primes);


Static array of bits held within a given template parameter type, accessed as bool type.

#include <utility/bit_array.hpp>
int main() {
    // Set first bit to true, others to false.
    utility::Bit_array<int> int_bits{true};
    assert(int_bits.size() == sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT);
    assert(utility::Bit_array<int>::size() == sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT);
    utility::Bit_array<std::uint64_t[16'384]> bits{true};
    for (decltype(bits)::Size_t i{1}; i < bits.size(); ++i) {
        bits.set(i, !bits.at(i - 1));
    for (bool b : bits) {