
Simple interface for cleaning and storing data

Primary LanguageCSS

Data cleaning interface

A simple interface for cleaning/filtering out data (particularly videos).


  • index.html contains the html page that will be displayed when you visit the app
  • script.js contains the JavaScript that will be loaded onto this html page
  • The directory server contains the files that will be used to serve this code
  • server.py runs the server
  • save_data.py contains helper functions for saving data

Detailed instructions for getting started with Heroku

  1. (optional) Try out the server locally. This will help you understand what's going on and make sure everything is working.
  • Set up a new virtualenv or conda environment. Install the dependencies from requirements.txt.
  • Run the server by running python3 server/server.py and go to the following url to see the front-end: localhost:8000
  • If you want to test saving some data locally, you can change the variable SAVE_METHOD in the file server/server.py to SaveMethod.LOCAL. This will save your responses to the folder server/data. Try submitting something and check that it was saved in the correct format.
  1. Now let's put the app on the internet. We'll use Heroku because it's free and easy-to-use. Create a free Heroku account: https://www.heroku.com/
  2. Create a Heroku app and push this code to it. (Check out these instructions.
  3. In order to store data from your Heroku app, you'll need to setup a proper database instead of just the filesystem (Heroku automatically deletes files from the filesystem after a certain period). Make an account on mLab, which provides a MongoDB database with some amount of free storage in the cloud. Create a database with a collection called data.
  4. In order for your app to use your mLab database, make the variable SAVE_METHOD in server/server.py is set to SaveMethod.MONGO (should be set to this by default). You will also have to set an environment variable named MONGO_URI which you can use to access your database. See the function save_mongo in server/save_data.py to see how this is used. For more help setting up your database properly, see the mLab documentation on connecting and the pymongo documentation. You will also need to set an environment variable in Heroku.
  5. Test your app on Heroku and make sure that when you submit a new piece of data, you can see it in your mLab database.