
A versatile and lightweight API gateway written in Elixir!

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

A versatile and lightweight API gateway written in Elixir!

Getting Started

Get started by downloading the docker image:

docker pull anickfischer/clei

Now, let's write an example config to a file named config.exs (Clei is configured in Elixir, for now):

import Config
alias Clei.BuiltinPlugs, as: C

config :clei,
  server: %{port: 80},

  routes: %{
    :logging => [
      {Plug.Logger, []}

    ~s|get("/image/*")| => [
      {C.HTTPProxy, upstream: "https://httpbin.org/"}

    ~s|true| => [
      {C.FixedResponse, content: "Not Found", status: 404}

What this does:

  • It starts Clei on Port 80
  • Next it creates a new middleware :logging, which can be used in other middlewares/routes
  • Afterwards it defines a new route, which proxys all GET requests to /image to https://httpbin.org/
  • Lastly it defines a catch-all route, which just returns Not Found
docker run -it -v config.exs:/config.exs -p 80:80 anickfischer/clei

Now, open a browser and go to http://localhost/image/png

Do we need another API gateway?

No, probably we don't. Is it a great opportunity to learn and improve my Elixir skills? Definitely😃.