Shop List

Getting Started

You need to install flutter for this you can find that on the flutter website:

Install required dependencies:

flutter pub get

Run code generation:

flutter pub pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Run the app

flutter run --no-sound-null-safety

Run tests

flutter test --no-sound-null-safety

App Info

This app follows the clean architecture pattern, which makes testing easier and isolates features into modules.

Folder Structure

  • core: mostly contains reusable code accross the app

    • error: exceptions and failure classes
    • utils: contains general classes and constants, such as app strings, extensions, app colors etc.

  • feature: each feature that are available in the app are included here, and separated as folders

    • data: all calls made to the remote data/api are included here
    • domain: represents bridge between the data layer and presentation layer, here all abstractions are made before being sent to the presentation layer
    • presentation: includes all classes and methods that make up the screens/pages of the app.