
HPC quick-start guide for Imperial College students

Primary LanguagePython

Access to the High Performance Computing @ Imperial College London

Each student has been assigned to the HPC services. Make sure you are connected to the Imperial network if you are working from home, using a VPN.

  • connect to your container: ssh <user_name>@login.cx1.hpc.ic.ac.uk
  • you should now be in: rds/general/user/<user_name>/home

Download python with anaconda

The containers provided by HPC already have all the modules you need to do your project. If you need a specific software, first check if it is available using module avail, and discuss it with the HPC services directly.

  • If you prefer to use python 3: module load anaconda3/personal
  • anaconda-setup
  • Launch Python: python

Create your virtual environment

A virtual environnment is like a small container where you can install all the packages you need for a project. You can create as many virtual environments as you like with conda

  • conda create -n <name environment> python=x.x
  • source activate <name environment>: to activate your environment.
  • source deactivate: to deactivate your environment.

Install your packages (ex: pytorch):

  • source activate <name_environment>
  • conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
  • conda install matplotlib ...

Recover and update your code

You can either use git or bitbucket.

For example, if you don't have (yet) any code:

  • git clone https://github.com/a-pouplin/use_HPC.git

Submit your code to the system

In order to submit your job, you will need to submit a PBS file using a bashscript to HPC. Your job will be in a queue (which can last either a few minutes or a few hours). You can create your bashscript using vim: vim <pbs_name>.sh

You will need to write the following specifications in your <pbs_name>.sh file:

#PBS -lwalltime=00:30:00
#PBS -lselect=1:ncpus=1:mem=8gb:ngpus=1
module load anaconda3/4.3.1
source activate <name_environment>
python $HOME/<path_to_code>/<code>.py
  • qsub <pbs_name>: submit your job in the queue

Check the queue and your job status

  • qstat -s: check your job status
  • qstat -q: check the queue information (which GPU/ CPU are available)
  • qdel <job_number>: delete the current job

You will end up with two output:

  • <pbs_name>.sh.o<job_number>: output file, containing all your print in your python job
  • <pbs_name>.sh.e<job_number>: error file, containing an error, if your job failed

Transfer your data from HPC to your computer

Dowload your file with scp (you can also use FileZilla):

  • scp -r <user_name>@login.cx1.hpc.ic.ac.uk/<path_to_your_experiments> <path_on_your_computer>

If you need any help

You can ask us, or go directly to the weekly HPC drop-in clinic: every Tuesday from 14:00-16:00 in room 402, 4th Floor Sherfield Building. You can also have a look at their Getting started guide