This is a dependency free text substring search system that is meant to be small, fast enough and limited. I have tested this on a modern desktop and it takes about 16 ms to search for a substring in 5000 records. If you try to use this for more than a few thousand records it is going to be more than a few milliseconds to search, but as this is only meant for client side JS I think you may have other problems
npm install --save minimal-text-search
This is not meant to be a drop in replacement for Lunr.js, the only thing I have implement is a very simple substring search, but I have tried to emulate their interfaces where possible.
The only search capability that is currently implemented is exact substring match.
import MinimalTextSearch from 'minimal-text-search';
// same field config API as lunr
const search = new MinimalTextSearch(function() {
name: 'Elon Musk',
address: 'Los Angeles, CA',
dateOfBirth: 'N/A',
id: 45400
name: 'Benjamin Franklin',
address: 'Philadelphia, PA',
dateOfBirth: 'Unknown',
id: 45500
name: 'Johannes Brahms',
address: 'Vienna, Austria',
dateOfBirth: '7 May 1833',
id: 45600
const results1 = search.exactMatch('frank'); // 1 result
const results2 = search.exactMatch('frank', { caseSensitive: true }); // 0 results
const res3 = search.exactMatch('min Fra'); // 1 result
// assume that the same dataset above has been used
const res4 = search.exactMatch('es'); // 2 results (Johannes and Angeles will match)
The log statment yields:
// You will get an array of hits. If no results you get empty array.
document: // A link to the original document (not a copy)
name: 'Elon Musk',
address: 'Los Angeles, CA',
dateOfBirth: 'N/A',
id: 45400
hits: 1, // Total hits in this document
matches: [ 19 ] }, // Hit position of where it found a match
name: 'Johannes Brahms',
address: 'Vienna, Austria',
dateOfBirth: '7 May 1833',
id: 45600
hits: 1,
matches: [ 6 ]