
This library provides a set of methods for converting various C# types to other types. It also provides null checks and empty value checks.

Primary LanguageC#

Baytech Conversion Library

This library provides a set of methods for converting various C# types to other types. It also provides null checks and empty value checks.

Library Dependencies

The following are all external libraries this solution uses.

  • None


Install via NuGet Package Manager UI on Visual Studios

  1. Open Visual Studios and navigate to NuGet Package Manager UI (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution)
  2. Switch package source to "nuget.org"
  3. Search (ctrl + L) for Baytech.Conversion
  4. Select the latest version and install

Install via NuGet Package Manager Console on Visual Studios

  1. Open Visual Studios and navigate to NuGet Package Manager UI (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console)
  2. Run: Install-Package Baytech.Conversion