
Responsive web development assignment using SCSS without any JavaScript

Primary LanguageHTML

T1A2 – Portfolio Project

Project Documentation

Disclaimer: this porfolio is undergoing a re-development and re-polishing as soon as I can as I am in the middle of Coder Academy's final assessment.

The following documentation is based on the initial version (version 1) of this website

A link (URL) to published portfolio website:


Go to live website

A link to the GitHub repo




  • Showcase work for potential employers
  • Share journey and experience to the world as an aspiring full-stack developer who has graphic design background, and used to work a lot with front-end developers in the past.
  • As a platform for an ongoing project to continuously craft my coding skills (especially scss/css as I found things are challenging to be implemented – no wonder many developers actually dislike, and even hate graphic designers for being too 'pedantic' with their design mock-up 😅).
    • E.g. It's challenging to implement the exact positioning or the same exact look as the original high-fidelity mock-up.
    • Front-end web development is more 'dynamic', especially in responsive layout as compared to static graphic design layout – therefore as a print designer I can truly empathise how challenging and more time consuming it is for developing the design into a website. I gain more respect now for Developers!

Functionality / Features

  • Simple interactive features on buttons and links
  • Calming pastel colors – good for your eyes ✨
  • Images / illustrations. I originally planned to have a cloud background but had problem to sucessfully implement it. Also attempted to create a image change on hover on the profile – this will be revisited.
  • Contact form for ease of getting in touch and also for personal privacy issues of not exposing the email address to public and scam-bots.
  • Sticky navigation for better accesibility.


Original planned sitemap

  • Original planned sitemap.
  • work.html is postponed – overall number of link pages is still within the requirement, four including index.html
  • Journal – may have individual pages to the post that is long.
    • I also intend to have the journal page to mix 'blog posts' and some artworks / design work / photos that I want to publish – just like an art gallery.





  • Trello screenshot – for project management.

Coding progress

  • Having fun with scss and implementing the new module system @use.

Screenshots – Finished Website

Home index.html

Desktop – Home

Information info.html

Info page - mobile and desktop

Journal journal.html

Journal – mobile & desktop

Journal – mobile & desktop

Contact contact.html

Journal – mobile & desktop

  • For more screenshots such as planning stage, wireframes and so on, please refer to the presentation slides profided in the ppt folder.

Target audience

  • Future and potential employers
  • New developers / beginners, especially graphic designers
  • Anyone! 😀

Tech stack

  • HTML5 – with Semantic tag elements for better accesibility.
  • CSS3 through SCSS (Dart version, which includes the new module system - @use implemented as supposed to @import that has been deprecated) – this is useful for other developers to pick up the project. Sass makes the css organised better.
  • Font Awesome – third-part api for added UI features, such as the use of icons for convenient implementation from developer side and also to add aesthetics to the website overall look.
  • SVG – Using .svg file type for some of the graphic that I made myself – these files are very small in size and great for keeping the image quality, as vector files won't be pixelated.
  • Google fonts – two fonts: san-serif & monospace
  • Interactivity – Light interactivity on buttons and menu.
  • Netlify deployment platform – personally I am not ready to deploy this to the world as they are not exactly as how I wanted it to be (yet)! Hence, I may purchase the domain name once things are fixed and improved! (PDF resume is only a placeholder for now)

Personal Reflections

  • It was my mistake to dwell into the Tutorial Hell, a term and a common thing for new developers I didn't know about until my educator told me about it during my presentation.
  • This is absolutely not a finish product. As I read more about the issue of being insecure to code that many new developers are experiencing (hence the Tutorial Hell syndrome since I started the bootcamp), this project will be an ongoing side-project for me. As I learn more and grow, hopefully I can fix all the issues I face in scss, and to craft better and cleaner way of developing the website that hopefully is also organised enough for other developers to pick them up ✨
  • Pleased that I finally able to craft and build my website with codes only. In the past I only built it through the help of Dreamweaver 🙈