
Connect to a LSF main node directly or trough a ssh jump node, launch a jupyter notebook via bsub and open automatically a tunnel. The name of the connection can be used to reestablish the connection later or to terminate it.

Primary LanguagePython


Connect to a LSF head node run a jupyter notebook via bsub and automatically open a double ssh tunnel to forward the interface on localhost.


The program was tested under Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and requires the following dependencies on your local machine:

  • Python 2.7
  • OpenSSH 5.4+

in addition, the head node of your LSF file system requires the following dependencies as well :

  • Python 2.7
  • OpenSSH 5.4+
  • Jupyter 4.0.0+


git clone https://github.com/a-slide/bsub_jupyter.git
cd bsub_jupyter
chmod u+x bsub_jupyter.py

Then add bsub_jupyter.py to your PATH

Add public key to the machine

To avoid interactive password prompt to establish the connection those steps are necessary, BEFORE running the script. Create a new ssh key if you don’t have one with the command


The key will be stored by default in: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Install the utility ssh-copy-id if not available.

While inside your network (or connected through the VPN) copy your public key to the main node machine with the command:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub lp698@ssh.research.partners.org


bsub_jupyter.py [-h] -U SSH_USERNAME -H SSH_HOSTNAME [-p REMOTE_PATH]   [-m MEMORY] [-t THREADS] [-q QUEUE] [-l LOCAL_PORT]  [-r REMOTE_PORT] [-v]

For example:

bsub_jupyter.py -U luke -H hh-yoda-04-01.ebi.ac.uk -p /nfs/leia/data/ -m 10000 -t 5 -q darkside -l 9999 -r 9998 --verbose

In verbose mode you will see:

    | |__  ___ _   _| |__       (_)_   _ _ __  _   _| |_ ___ _ __ 
    | '_ \/ __| | | | '_ \      | | | | | '_ \| | | | __/ _ \ '__|
    | |_) \__ \ |_| | |_) |     | | |_| | |_) | |_| | ||  __/ |   
    |_.__/|___/\__,_|_.__/____ _/ |\__,_| .__/ \__, |\__\___|_|   
                        |_____|__/      |_|    |___/             
List of parameters:
	 username: luke
	 hostname: hh-yoda-04-01.ebi.ac.uk
	 ssh_server: aleg@hh-yoda-04-01.ebi.ac.uk
	 remote_path: /nfs/leia/data/
	 memory: 10000
	 threads: 5
	 queue: darkside
	 local_port: 9999
	 remote_port: 9998
	 auto_add_bsub_host: False
	 connection_filename: ~/jupyter_connection.txt 

Checking connection status ...
	Host hh-yoda-04-01.ebi.ac.uk is reachable
	No running jobs were found

Launching Jupyter job ...
    Host hh-yoda-04-01.ebi.ac.uk is reachable
    No running jobs were found
    Command line : ssh -t luke@hh-yoda-04-01.ebi.ac.uk "bsub -e /dev/null -o /dev/null -n 5 -M 5000 -cwd /nfs/leia/data/ -q darkside jupyter notebook --port=9998 --no-browser 2>&1 >~/jupyter_connection.txt" 2> /dev/null
    job running with job_id 4849293
    Waiting for the job to be dispatched

Waiting for the job to be dispatched  . . . . . 
Job running on compute node: hh-yoda-02-34.ebi.ac.uk

Opening a double ssh tunnel ...
    Command line : ssh -N -L localhost:9998:localhost:9998 -o "ProxyCommand ssh luke@hh-yoda-04-01.ebi.ac.uk -W %h:%p" luke@hh-yoda-11-13.ebi.ac.uk

Tunnel created! You can see your jupyter notebook server at:

	--> http://localhost:9999 <--

Press Ctrl-c to interrupt the connection
The authenticity of host 'hh-yoda-07-12.ebi.ac.uk (<no hostip for proxy command>)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'hh-yoda-07-12.ebi.ac.uk' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

If the compute node is not in list of known host (in $HOME/ssh/known_hosts), the user will be prompted to permanently add it (yes/no). To bypass this verification step it is possible to use the --auto_add_bsub_host (-a) option. As it potentially open to "man in the middle" attacks, it should be used only in a safe computing environment.

Now you can open a browser and connect to the url provided, in this case http://localhost:9999 (if not given the local and remote ports are generated at random between 9000 and 10000 to minimize conflicts with other users)

Once finished you can press Ctrl+c. The ssh tunnel will be closed and the job will be automatically killed

Connection interrupted by the user
Try to remove the connection file and kill the existing jupyter job...
Job <4849305> is being terminated

Options are described in the command line help:

bsub_jupyter.py --help
Connect to a LSF head node, launch a jupyter notebook via bsub and open automatically a double ssh tunnel to forward the interface locally.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -U SSH_USERNAME, --ssh_username SSH_USERNAME
                        Username to connect to the lsf head node [MANDATORY] (default: None)
  -H SSH_HOSTNAME, --ssh_hostname SSH_HOSTNAME
                        Hostname to connect to the lsf head node [MANDATORY] (default: None)
  -p REMOTE_PATH, --remote_path REMOTE_PATH
                        Remote path to use (default: ~)
  -m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
                        Memory to request (default: 5000)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        # of threads to request (default: 1)
  -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                        Queue to submit job (default: None)
  -l LOCAL_PORT, --local_port LOCAL_PORT
                        Local port for ssh forwarding (if not given will be randomly generated between 9000 and 10000) (default: None)
  -r REMOTE_PORT, --remote_port REMOTE_PORT
                        Remote port for ssh forwarding (if not given will be randomly generated between 9000 and 10000) (default: None)
  -v, --verbose         Print debugging information (default: False)
  -a, --auto_add_bsub_host
                        Automatically add the compute node running the bsub jupyter job to the list of known hosts. Only use this option if you are in a safe computing environment with trustworthy machines, as it will also skip the host key checking (default: False)