Advent of Code

AOC Secret

On src directory, create the aoc.secret.js file with the following content:


Then exec:

$ npm run aoc YEAR DAY LEVEL

For exemple:

  • to test your answer for AOC-2023 Day 1, Part 1:
$ npm run aoc:dev 2023 1 1
  • to refresh input and test your answer for AOC-2023 Day 1, Part 1:
$ npm run aoc:dev 2023 1 1 no-cache
  • to submit your answer for AOC-2023 Day 1, Part 1:
$ npm run aoc 2023 1 1

Solution template

// Part X

const parseInput = () => input.split('\n').map((line, index) => index);

const main = () => {
  const input = parseInput();
  return input.reduce((prev, acc) => (prev += acc), 0);

answer = main();