
POS tagging with MorphoSyntactic Embeddings

Primary LanguageScala


Re-implementation of the system described in this paper, a POS tagger designed for low resource languages. The goal is to make it available and usable for anyone facing low resources issues in NLP.


POS tagging for low-resource languages, using specialized MorphoSyntactic Embeddings


The tagger is built on top of yaset for the Bi-LSTM tagger part and mimick to compute embeddings of OOVs


  • SBT
  • a way to create virtual environments for Python
  • some data for your favorite language


  • clone the repo
  • create two virtual env for python 2 and 3 (sorry, yaset is in python3 and mimick in 2...) and pip install -r requirements(2|3).txt for each
  • sbt compile the scala code


Every options are set in the application.conf file, it includes:

  • env section
    • path to the two python interpreters
  • tokenizer section
    • strategy is either a basic whitespace tokenizer or a call to an external command
    • if strategy is external, you need to specify a command to be called
  • embeddings section
    • file is the path to/from which embeddings are saved
    • oovfile list the forms for which embeddings are to be generated
    • ndim is the number of dimensions of the embeddings
    • ws is the window size
    • nboccmin is a minimum number of occurrences of a form to have the embeddings computed my MSE (otherwise it will be computed as an OOV)
  • yaset.model is a zip file containing all the data created/needed by yaset
  • corpora section defines the paths to the corpus file (to be read and/or written)