
Parse and convert between different Teochew romanization systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Parsing tools for Teochew phonetic spelling

Parse and convert between different Teochew phonetic spelling schemes.

Input formats

  • Geng'dang Pêng'im 廣東拼音 (gdpi)
  • Gaginang Peng'im 家己儂拼音 (ggn)
  • Gaginang Peng'im with coda -n allowed (nasalization written with ñ instead) (ggnn)
  • Dieghv 潮語 (dieghv); (source)

Output formats

gdpi, ggnn, plus:

  • Tie-tsiann-hue 潮正會, also known as Tie-lo 潮羅 (tlo); (source)
  • Duffus system (duffus); (source)
  • Teochew Sinwenz (sinwz); (source)
  • Traditional initial-final categories (15) from 《彙集雅俗通十五音》 also known as 《擊木知音》, based on the analysis by 徐宇航 「《擊木知音》音系之再研究」 (2014)

Orthographic conventions for input text

  • Text must be in lower case
  • Syllables may be written with or without tone numbers
  • Syllables may be combined into words for legibility
  • If syllables are combined into words, they must have tone numbers (e.g. diê5ziu1), or use a syllable separator character if tone numbers are omitted (e.g. diê-ziu or pêng'im). This is either a hyphen or single apostrophe. This is because of ambiguous parsings, e.g. pê-ngi-m instead of pêng-im, which in general can only be dealt with by usage frequency, which is not available.

Running the script

Python 3 is required.

parsetc requires lark v0.11.3; it has not yet been updated to work with the latest lark release.

Install with pip from source code (this repository):

pip install .

Install latest release with pip from PyPI:

pip install parsetc

See help message:

parsetc --help

Input text is read from STDIN, no line breaks.

# output in Tie-lo
echo 'ua2 ain3 oh8 diê5ghe2, ain3 dan3 diê5ziu1 uê7.' | parsetc -i gdpi -o tlo
# all available output romanizations
echo 'ua2 ain3 oh8 diê5ghe2, ain3 dan3 diê5ziu1 uê7.' | parsetc -i gdpi --all

Testing with provided example text:

cat ./test.dieghv.txt | parsetc -i dieghv --all