
輸入臺語ê webservice, coded in OPA (compile into Node.js)

Primary LanguageOpa


輸入臺語ê webservice, coded in OPA (compile into Node.js)

Installing OPA

See https://github.com/MLstate/opalang/wiki/Getting-started#ubuntu-linux-debian-linux

Configuring Su-lip

Just set the path to the datafile in src/config.opa The file is plain text containing one word on each line, with 漢字 and TRS separated by '\t'

Running the server

Simply launch to compile and launch the project (on port 8080) make run

Loading the Data

while the server is running, make request on


(build_db will only run once, you need to manually drop the mongodb base "IME" to reload the data)


Just make some query using POST and json.

curl localhost:8080/ws/ -d '{"query":"su-jip"}'