Captures, converts, displays and stores Bluetooth (BLE) output from these meters.
gatttool needs to be installed and operational in linux for this application to work.
1) Build owon_multi_cli
$ make
2) Find the multimeter (string should be BDM):
$ sudo hcitool lescan
62:9C:C3:39:99:2F (unknown)
56:E2:58:23:66:3F (unknown)
34:49:51:A5:9C:C7 (unknown)
A6:C0:80:94:54:D9 BDM
40:CB:C0:E3:15:7B (unknown)
5C:02:EA:FB:05:68 (unknown)
76:EA:A1:21:72:2A (unknown)
6B:CE:24:60:40:31 (unknown)
or try using this discovery tool:
$ python3 -u ./
A6:C0:80:94:54:D9 BDM
If your hci0 (or ble stack) is stuck, try resetting via:
$ sudo python3 -u ./ --now
Resetting HCI hci0
HCI hci0 has been reset
3) Run the app with the multimeter address as the first parameter,
and the meter type as the second:
$ sudo ./owon_multi_cli -a A6:C0:80:94:54:D9 -t cm2100b
(by default, you'll likely have to run this under sudo because the gatttool
won't seem to talk to BLE devices initially without being superuser/root)
4) If you want to see the raw hex bytes (from linux cli):
$ gatttool -b A6:C0:80:E5:84:0C -I
[A6:C0:80:E5:84:0C][LE]> connect
Attempting to connect to A6:C0:80:E5:84:0C
Connection successful
Notification handle = 0x001b value: 24 f0 04 00 00 00
Notification handle = 0x001b value: 24 f0 04 00 00 00
Notification handle = 0x001b value: 24 f0 04 00 00 00
Notification handle = 0x001b value: 24 f0 04 00 00 00
Notification handle = 0x001b value: 24 f0 04 00 00 00
Notification handle = 0x001b value: 24 f0 04 00 00 00
Notification handle = 0x001b value: 24 f0 04 00 00 00
Notification handle = 0x001b value: 24 f0 04 00 00 00
[A6:C0:80:E5:84:0C][LE]> quit
* Use your device's BLE MAC address.
* The 0x001b value may be the same or it may be different for you.
* If your (new) meter shows a different handle id,
you can try to edit the source code and see if the application decodes your stream.
* Run the application with "-d" switch for debugging output.
$ sudo ./owon_multi_cli
Usage: ./owon_multi_cli -a <address> -t b35t|b41t|cm2100b|ow18e [-l <filename>] [-d] [-q]
-h: This help
-a <address>: Set the address of the cm2100b meter, eg, -a 98:84:E3:CD:C0:E5
-t b35t|b41t|cm2100b|ow18e: Which model of meter
-l <filename>: Log text output to a file
-d: debug enabled
-j: json output
-q: quiet output
-1: run once (one data point) and then exit
Run the application, sending output to stdout, and also log to a file.
Timestamps are unix epoch with 2-digit fractional seconds. Numeric field
follows, then meter mode token strings.
$ sudo ./owon_multi_cli -a A6:C0:80:94:54:D9 -t cm2100b -l foo.out
1699308108.32 00.00 DC mV
1699308108.58 -0.01 DC mV
1699308109.11 -0.01 DC mV
1699308109.66 -0.01 DC mV
1699308110.18 -0.01 DC mV
1699308110.39 00.00 DC mV
1699308110.89 00.00 DC mV
1699308111.39 00.00 DC mV
1699308111.92 00.00 DC mV
1699308112.21 -0.01 DC mV
1699308112.42 00.00 DC mV
Here is a run with json style output:
$ sudo ./owon_multi_cli -a A6:C0:80:E5:84:0C -t ow18e -j
{ "Timestamp": "1706211070.13", "Display_Value": "2.390 K Ohms" }
{ "Timestamp": "1706211070.63", "Display_Value": "2.390 K Ohms" }
{ "Timestamp": "1706211071.13", "Display_Value": "2.390 K Ohms" }
{ "Timestamp": "1706211071.65", "Display_Value": "2.390 K Ohms" }
{ "Timestamp": "1706211072.18", "Display_Value": "2.390 K Ohms" }
Run the application just once and exit. Show examples with both json and text:
$ sudo ./owon_multi_cli -a A6:C0:80:94:54:D9 -t cm2100b -1
1706753314.87 04.95 Ohms
$ sudo ./owon_multi_cli -a A6:C0:80:94:54:D9 -t cm2100b -1 -j
{ "Timestamp": "1706753412.52", "Display_Value": "1.0059 K Ohms" }
Run the application in debug and json mode and save its output to a file.
$ sudo ./owon_multi_cli -a A6:C0:80:E5:84:0C -t ow18e -j -d > ow18e-ref-data-ohms.txt
{ "BLE_bytes" : "[2b, f1, 04, 00, 56, 09]", "Function": "00000100", "Scale": "05", "Decimal": "03", "Measurement": "2390", "Timestamp": "1706210330.73", "Display_Value": "2.390 K Ohms" }
{ "BLE_bytes" : "[2b, f1, 04, 00, 56, 09]", "Function": "00000100", "Scale": "05", "Decimal": "03", "Measurement": "2390", "Timestamp": "1706210331.23", "Display_Value": "2.390 K Ohms" }
{ "BLE_bytes" : "[2b, f1, 04, 00, 56, 09]", "Function": "00000100", "Scale": "05", "Decimal": "03", "Measurement": "2390", "Timestamp": "1706210331.73", "Display_Value": "2.390 K Ohms" }
There is a helper python script "" that can take the raw json lines from the
cli output and wrap them into a fully parsable json block:
$ ./ -f ow18e-ref-data-ohms.txt | python -mjson.tool
"BLE_bytes": "[2a, f1, 04, 00, af, 08]",
"Function": "00000100",
"Scale": "05",
"Decimal": "02",
"Measurement": "2223",
"Timestamp": "1706209552.45",
"Display_Value": "22.23 K Ohms"
"BLE_bytes": "[2a, f1, 04, 00, af, 08]",
"Function": "00000100",
"Scale": "05",
"Decimal": "02",
"Measurement": "2223",
"Timestamp": "1706209552.97",
"Display_Value": "22.23 K Ohms"
"BLE_bytes": "[2a, f1, 04, 00, af, 08]",
"Function": "00000100",
"Scale": "05",
"Decimal": "02",
"Measurement": "2223",
"Timestamp": "1706209553.50",
"Display_Value": "22.23 K Ohms"
Do you know about the 'stdbuf' command? Try something like this, if your output is 'laggy':
$ stdbuf -o0 ./owon_multi_cli -a A6:C0:80:94:54:D9 -t cm2100b -j -d | tee cm2100b-ref-data-ohms.txt
stdbuf with '-o0' is about output buffering. This method, when run before your main cli command,
will disable the internal buffering of the operating system.
Also, note that for python apps, there is a different method that must be used. Use the '-u' switch
and run python3 (the interpreter) directly as:
$ python3 -u
and that will enable more real-time stdout buffering with python.