
DNS Resolver using ONLY Java Sockets

Primary LanguageJava

UNSW Networks Assignment (COMP3331)


This is a recursive Domain Name Resolver. This piece of software will recursively contact name servers and query
for a specified domain name. It will do this until it finds the IP address of the given domain name or it’s canonical
names is returned. If not located it will issue appropriate notification to the user.

It has been coded in Java and follows all given specifications:
 It is executable form command line via: java DNS_resolver “www.domain.com”
 It produces output appropriate to the specified format.
 It resolves all canonical name chains
 It resolves any unknown IP address for any domain encountered that needs to be queried
 It outputs all Name Server IP addresses in the order encountered
 And most importantly it works

The design of the software is concise simple and elegant. It consists of 3 major classes: DNS_resolver, DNS_packet
and DNS_record. Additionally it contains a utility class common to all 3 main classes: BitMath which holds all low
the level Bit, Byte and conversion static methods.

Step 1: Send a request to a Root Server. And await reply for TIMEOUT_DELAY seconds.
Step 2: Read though answer. Firstly; attempt to isolate a TYPE_A answer to the query. If none found; attempt to
isolate CNAME records. If CNAME located; change the query domain to the currently found CNAME.
Step 3: Scan though the TYPE_A records to isolate IP addresses to query next. If not found; attempt to find Name
Servers to resolve. If NS records exist; resolve Name Server IP. Return NS IP down to original resolution thread and
NOTE: Whenever an IP is returned for the next query a flag is set that this IP has been used. This flag is later used
to filter out non responsive servers and servers which cannot find records for that domain.
Step 4: Repeat until TYPE_A record found => IP Address Resolved.
|| TYPE_SOA record found => Domain does not exist.
|| All NS timed out => Could not resolve IP. (Highly unlikely.)

I am currently aware of only two limitations to my program. First limitation is dealing with the case of all servers
becoming unresponsive. In this scenario the program would need to back-track up the stack and attempt to try the
next NS down the list from the previous reply. For this I would need to implement a more complicated stack based
The second limitation is that my program is unable to handle truncated packets. In the situation that a server does
not return all records it will attempt only use the packet received. This means it will not establish or query for
remaining packets though a TCP connection.