
Command line tool to get the weather forecast

Primary LanguageNim


Command line tool to get the weather forecast


weather [location] [forecast type]

weather // Get current weather at your current location
weather here now // ...

weather london tomorrow // Get tomorrow's weather in London

weather "new york" week // Get New York's weather for the next 5 days


Image of example usage

Building From Source

Requires OpenWeatherMap API key defined as WEATHER_API_KEY

# Clone repo
$ git clone https://github.com/a-vorontsov/weather
$ cd weather

# Install dependencies
$ nimble install -d

# Build binary
$ nim c -d:ssl --verbosity:0 -d:release --app:console --putenv:WEATHER_API_KEY=$WEATHER_API_KEY src/weather.nim

# Install binary
$ sudo cp ./weather /usr/local/bin/weather